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Donald Trump issues Social Security warning

Donald Trump issues Social Security warning


Donald Trump accused Democrats of “killing” Social Security and Medicare by allowing an “invasion” of migrants into the country.

The former president took aim at President Joe Biden's administration in an article on Truth Social and promised to leave social and health insurance programs alone.

In recent weeks, the former president has repeatedly spoken about Social Security, including in reference to the ongoing migration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. In December 2023, the U.S. Border Patrol recorded 249,735 migrant encounters, the highest monthly total on record.

Trump said in a video Wednesday: “Unlike the Democrats who are killing Social Security and Medicare by allowing the invasion of migrants into our country – this is an absolute invasion, like a military invasion – I will not allow in neither case. these two precious gems should even be affected under a Trump administration.”

Former U.S. President Donald Trump on April 10, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia. Trump has repeatedly attacked Democrats over Social Security in recent months. Former U.S. President Donald Trump on April 10, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia. Trump has repeatedly attacked Democrats over Social Security in recent months. GETTY

“You will still have your full Social Security like you have it now, and you will still have your Medicare. Biden can't say that, because Biden is killing them both with the migrant invasion and destroying at the same time our country in a different way,” he said.

This is not the first time Trump has suggested that Biden's immigration policies would impact Social Security. Speaking at a campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, earlier this month, the former president spoke about Biden's record on the southern border. “One of the most important questions in this race is how Biden's border invasion will wipe out Medicare and Social Security for America's seniors,” he told supporters .

Publishing an excerpt of his speech in Truth Social, his campaign team said: “Biden's border invasion will REMOVE Medicare and Social Security for America's seniors. If Biden's millions of migrants are allowed to stay as Joe Biden wants, it will cost taxpayers. BILLIONS of dollars, and Medicare and Social Security will buckle and collapse!”

Newsweek reached out to the Trump and Biden presidential campaign teams for comment via email outside of normal business hours.

In previous comments regarding Social Security, Trump initially appeared to hint that he would cut Social Security and Medicaid.

“So, first of all, there's a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of reductions,” Trump said of Social Security and Medicaid during a March 11 call on CNBC's Squawk Box. Also in terms of theft and mismanagement of rights – very poor management of rights – there are an enormous number of things and an enormous number of things that you can do. »

Trump later told the conservative news site Breitbart: “I will never do anything that would compromise or harm Social Security or Medicare.”

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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