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Stable, peaceful India-China relations important, says PM Modi

Stable, peaceful India-China relations important, says PM Modi


Asserting that stable and peaceful relations between India and China are important for the entire region and the world, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed hope that through positive and constructive bilateral engagement at the diplomatic and military, both countries will be able to restore and maintain peace and tranquility on their borders.

The Prime Minister made the remarks in an interview with News week magazine, which described India's rise as “unstoppable”.

The New York-based magazine said that “India's rapid upward economic trajectory and growing diplomatic, scientific and military clout make it an emerging superpower of ever-increasing importance to the United States and the world.”

During the wide-ranging interview conducted by the magazine under the title 'Narendra Modi and India's unstoppable rise', the Prime Minister discussed a host of topics, including the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, ties with Pakistan , Quad, the Ram temple and democracy. , among others.

In the interview, which is the first given to an American magazine in the recent past, Mr. Modi said that on behalf of India, the relationship with China was important and significant.

“I am convinced that we must urgently address the protracted situation on our borders so that the anomalies in our bilateral interactions can be behind us. Stable and peaceful relations between India and China are important not only for our two country but for the whole country, region and the world,” he said.

“I hope and believe that through positive and constructive bilateral engagement at the diplomatic and military levels, we will be able to restore and maintain peace and tranquility on our borders,” Mr. Modi said.

Asked about ties with Pakistan, Mr. Modi said he congratulated the Prime Minister of Pakistan on assuming office and asserted that India has always advocated for advancing peace, security and prosperity in the region in an atmosphere free of terror and violence.

On the imprisonment of former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, Mr Modi said: “I will not comment on internal issues of Pakistan.”

On the Quad grouping

Talking about China and the Quad group, Prime Minister Modi said that the United States, Australia, Japan, India and China are members of many groups.

“We are present in different combinations in different groups. Quad is not directed against any country. Like many other international groupings, like the SCO, BRICS and others, Quad is also a group of like-minded countries. ideas and working on a common positive agenda,” he said.

The Quad group includes India, the United States, Australia and Japan.

Normality in Kashmir

On criticism over the abrogation of Jammu and Kashmir's special status, Mr. Modi said, “I encourage you to visit Jammu and Kashmir to witness first-hand the radical positive changes taking place on the ground.” Don't trust what I or others tell you. “I visited Jammu and Kashmir last month. For the first time, people have a new hope in their lives.” “The process of development, good governance and empowerment of the people must be seen and believed “, did he declare.

“People are reaping the dividends of peace: more than 21 million tourists visited Jammu and Kashmir in 2023. There has been a significant decline in terrorist incidents. Organized bandhs/hartals (protests) and stone-pelting, which once disrupted normal life, are now commonplace. of the past,” said the Prime Minister.

Temple of Aries

On the importance of the recently inaugurated Ram temple in Ayodhya, Mr. Modi said that the name of Shri Ram is imprinted in our national consciousness.

“His (Lord Ram) life defined the contours of thoughts and values ​​of our civilization. His name resonates up and down our sacred land. Therefore, during the special 11-day ritual that I observed, I “I made a pilgrimage to places that bear the footprints of Shri Ram. My journey which took me to different corners of the country showed the revered place that Shri Ram occupies in each of us,” he said.

“The return of Shri Ram to his birthplace marked a historic moment of unity for the nation. It was the culmination of centuries of perseverance and sacrifice. When I was asked to participate in the ceremony, I knew I would represent the 1.4 billion people of the country, who have been patiently waiting for centuries for the return of Ram Lalla,” he said.

“For the 11 days leading up to this auspicious event, I carried with me the aspirations of countless devotees, eagerly awaiting this day. The ceremony itself brought the nation together in celebration, akin to a second Diwali. Every house was illuminated by the light of Ram Jyoti. I consider it a divine blessing that I was able to experience the consecration ceremony as a representative of 1.4 billion Indians,” he said.

Regarding the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, Mr. Modi said his government has an excellent record of delivering on its promises.

“At the end of the second term, even the most popular governments begin to lose support. Dissatisfaction with governments has also increased in recent years around the world. An exception is India, where support popularity of our government is increasing.” he said.

Mother of democracy

Hailing India as “the mother of democracy”, Mr. Modi said that as the world's largest democracy, more than 600 million people voted in the 2019 general elections and in a few months, more than 970 million eligible voters will exercise their right to vote.

“More than a million polling stations would be established across India. Constantly increasing voter turnout is a token of people's confidence in Indian democracy. A democracy like India can only move forward and function thanks to to a dynamic feedback mechanism. And our media plays an important role in this regard. We have around 1.5 lakh (150,000) registered media publications and hundreds of news channels,” he declared.




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