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I Paid $6,500 to Cartel to Drop Me at Border and Now I Plan to Work for DoorDash in Los Angeles, Turkish Migrant Says at Border as Crisis Worsens

I Paid $6,500 to Cartel to Drop Me at Border and Now I Plan to Work for DoorDash in Los Angeles, Turkish Migrant Says at Border as Crisis Worsens


A Turkish migrant revealed he paid a cartel $6,500 to drop him off at the US border and plans to travel to Los Angeles to work for DoorDash.

Ugur, 33, from Istanbul, said Fox Newsthat he hopes to live in Santa Monica and work for the courier service.

Ugur was among a group of six people interviewed by the Jacumba hot springs outlet along the southern border.

The group consisted of people from Turkey or Uzbekistan, with Ugur explaining that his home country had declined under President Erdogan.

He told the outlet: “The United States does not give us visas and we come here illegally. If the US government lets me work, I can work.

Ugur, 33, from Istanbul, told Fox News he hopes to live in Santa Monica and work for the courier service.

Ugur, 33, from Istanbul, told Fox News he hopes to live in Santa Monica and work for the courier service.

Hundreds of migrants camp around a campfire near the Rio Grande on the Mexico-US border on April 2.

Hundreds of migrants camp around a campfire near the Rio Grande on the Mexico-US border on April 2.

Groups of migrants arrive in Rio Grande in search of passage to the United States

Groups of migrants arrive in Rio Grande in search of passage to the United States

Ugur added: “Every year life in Türkiye is very difficult. More difficult. The economy is very bad and we don't like Erdogan. He is [a] dictator, I hate him.

“If you pay Mexicans, Mexican cartel money lets you come here. I pay $6,500 for Mexico and come here.

“I'll stay at immigration for one or two days, then I'll take the plane. I want to live in Los Angeles. If I do DoorDash, I can make $6,000.

The same day Fox spoke to Ugur, about three dozen people were arrested along the southern border.

Kate Monroe of Border Vets, a group of veterans seeking to fill holes along the border, told the outlet: “It’s a huge problem. Infrastructurally and economically, we cannot sustain this for generations.

“I can understand being somewhere else and being poor, not being safe, being hungry, but the way we force people to come is broken.”

According to Monroe, she collected passports from all over the world, near the border.

She added: “Finding tons and tons of passports from Pakistan, Ethiopia, Ecuador and China just thrown on the other side so they could apply for asylum surprised me. »

Kate Monroe of Border Vets said she regularly collects passports from around the world near the border.

Kate Monroe of Border Vets said she regularly collects passports from around the world near the border.

The latest figures from Customs and Border Protection showed that in the month of February, the agency encountered 189,922 people at the southern border.

The latest figures from Customs and Border Protection showed that in the month of February, the agency encountered 189,922 people at the southern border.

In this fiscal year alone, the agency encountered more than 1.1 million people at the border — something that began for the government last October.

In this fiscal year alone, the agency encountered more than 1.1 million people at the border — something that began for the government last October.

The latest figures from Customs and Border Protection showed that in the month of February, the agency encountered 189,922 people at the southern border.

In this fiscal year alone, the agency encountered more than 1.1 million people at the border — something that began for the government last October.

THE record numbers migrants illegally crossing the US-Mexico border have migrated a major concernin this American presidential election year.

During an interview with CBS News Last month, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens expressed concern about the thousands of migrants who have evaded authorities.

He told the outlet: “What keeps me up at night is the 140,000 leaks. Why are they hiding? What do they have to hide?

“What do they bring back?” What is their intention? Where do they come from ? We simply don't know the answers to these questions.

Owens said his department is on track to record some two million arrests by the end of the fiscal year in September.

The leader said, “border security is an important part of national security,” and illegal migrants being smuggled into the country are “exploiting a vulnerability” currently facing the nation.

He said migrants who arrived in the United States this year came from at least 160 different countries, some on many continents.




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