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Polish scholars return to UB for reunion conference – International Education

Polish scholars return to UB for reunion conference – International Education


Fifteen past participants in a visiting scholar program with Jagiellonian University (JU) in Krakow, Poland, made a return visit to Buffalo last week to attend a conference at UB that celebrated the success of the program.

In a series of panel presentations and one-on-one talks from April 4-6, participating scholars discussed their current scholarship and how their work at UB has impacted their careers.

These mid-career researchers, many of whom are JU faculty, conducted research visits to UB over the past 20 years—from 2004-21—spending one to two months collaborating with host faculty at UB on their research and in some cases lecturing in their host departments. Their return visit has enabled them to reconnect with past collaborators and share updates on their academic activities.

These visits were facilitated through the generous ongoing philanthropic support of Katherine Kubala, who retired from UB as assistant dean of the School of Architecture and Planning.

“Kathy's visionary and strategic support for our visiting scholars program has paid rich dividends not only for the scholars themselves and their work, but for their collaborators at UB and our bilateral exchange with the Jagiellonian,” says Nojin Kwak, professor and vice-provost. for international education, which conceived the conference.

“Having the scholars back is a thrill for Kathy and everyone at UB who has worked with JU over the past two decades,” adds Kwak. “I have been impressed by the contributions of our conference participants and the ways in which they have each helped to strengthen the bonds of scientific connection between our universities.”

Kubala says it was “wonderful to see so many old friends from the Jagiellonian and learn about their current work. It has been a pleasure to be involved in some small way to help advance their scientific endeavors and careers and to strengthen the ties between our universities.”

Kubala was honored for her contribution to the Jagiellonian program during a conference dinner for returnees that celebrated them and the program. The event brought together past UB faculty mentors, current faculty and students from Poland at UB, as well as leaders from the local Polish-American community.

“We are grateful to the community for their engagement with our Jagiellonian exchange since its inception in the 1990s,” says Kwak. “Community leaders like Kathy and the late Peter Gessner, a faculty member at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, leveraged our partnership to benefit UB and Poland.”

Jagiellonian University has been an important institutional partner of UB for more than 30 years. The two universities signed a cooperation agreement around the time Poland was emerging from Soviet domination in the early 1990s.

Since that time, JU and UB have maintained a robust exchange program involving faculty, students and researchers. In addition to the visiting scholars program, the two institutions have collaborated on opportunities for UB faculty to teach at JU, joint courses, study abroad programs for UB students at JU, and exchange of publications and library materials.

In 1996, JU, UB and the Polish government collaborated in launching a Polish Academic Information Center website, which was a major web-based source for information about Poland.




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