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Lok Sabha polls: PM Modi attacks opposition with 'Noob in politics' insult | News from India

Lok Sabha polls: PM Modi attacks opposition with 'Noob in politics' insult |  News from India


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday he gybed the opposition calling them “noobs”. In a veiled attack that appeared to be aimed at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Prime Minister Modi used “novice“, a popular term in the gaming community, used to refer to those who demonstrate a lack of skill or knowledge.
During the freewheeling interaction with the country's top leaders playersPM discussed some gaming terminologies that also included “noob”. PM Narendra Modi couldn't control his laughter on hearing the term 'noob'.
“If I use this word (noob) during the elections, people will wonder who I am referring to… If I say it, you will think of a specific person,” the prime minister said.
BJP leader Shehzad Poonawalla also slammed Congress leaders over PM Modi's grip and said, “PM Noob @narendramodi has not named anyone, but why are Congress leaders reacting- they and they confirm ki Rajniti ka Noob kaun hai.
Bollywood actress and BJP leader Kangana Ranaut also posted on X asking, “Who is this Noob?”
Meanwhile, during his interaction, Prime Minister Modi also discussed the differences between gaming and betting. He also asked players to send an email mentioning all their issues with specific key points to his office.
“Regulating would not be ideal because it is the nature of government to intervene, it is its fundamental nature. Either imposing restrictions under the law or trying to understand it and shape it according to the needs of our country. Bring it into an organized legal structure and improve the reputation,” Modi said when asked if there could be a gambling regulator.
“Once this goal is achieved, it will be difficult for anyone to bring it down. My goal is to raise the nation to a level where by 2047 the middle class will no longer need unnecessary government intervention. Otherwise, we will remain trapped in the cycle of paperwork, documents and legal systems. It is the poor who need the government the most in difficult times…” Modi said.
THE gaming industry in India peaked in 2019 and since then, various games based on Indian mythology have emerged, and the government has recognized the creativity.
While the country's Esports landscape is dominated by mobile, it's the PC title League of Legends that makes the country proud. Although the game does not have an official server in India, the determination and passion of the talented athletes led them to use their skills to impressively qualify for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.
(With contribution from agencies)




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