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Employment opportunities will be created to tackle street crime, says Sharjeel – Journal

Employment opportunities will be created to tackle street crime, says Sharjeel – Journal


HYDERABAD: Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon attributed the rise in street crime to unemployment, illegal immigrants and rising prices, and vowed to create employment opportunities in the agricultural and industrial sectors to reduce the dependence of youth on government jobs.

He said the agricultural and industrial sectors would be strengthened to create employment opportunities.

He said efforts were being made by the chief minister, the home department and the provincial police chief to control street crime.

He was speaking to reporters at his residence here after offering Eidul Fitr prayer on Wednesday.

He also expressed his party's views on recent decisions by some judges and said judges should abandon double standards.

Letters are written for a convict who was sentenced only a few months ago; why did the judges not write letters on the excesses committed against the politicians of Sindh? he wondered.

He claimed that Justice Saqib Nisar had held [Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman] Imran Khan in every way possible while [Pakistan Peoples Party leader] Asif Zardari remained in prison for 14 years without being convicted.

Why didn't the judges write a letter on the imprisonment of Asif Zardaris or the unjust hanging of [PPP founder chairman] Zulfikar Ali Bhutto? » he argued.

He further claimed that the judiciary had evidence of foreign funding in the PTI, but it was nevertheless supported; and another party leader, Qasim Suri, obtained a suspension order from Justice Umer Atta Bandial.

He sees these things as a double standard on the part of the justice system and points out that some people in particular are supported and their actions are also facilitated by the system.

In this regard, the minister also recalled that a PPP leader was disqualified for not showing a family member in his statement, but such an identical point in the case of Imran Khan was treated as his personal business.

PPP Policies

He said Asif Zardari [who has just started his second tenure as head of the state] had already introduced positive policies. He said that Mr. Zardari's successive visits to China [during his previous tenure] had given Pakistan the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), but the project was then criticized. Later, however, other political parties began taking credit, he noted, and said Mr. Zardari preferred trade to aid.

Agricultural sector

Sharjeel Memon observed that Pakistan has fertile lands but the agriculture sector and rural areas have not received due attention from other ruling parties. However, PPPs have always focused on this sector and rural areas in terms of development. He pointed out that wheat had to be imported during the Musharraf regime and when the PPP government led by Mr. Zardari started paying due attention to this sector and increasing the support price of wheat, Sindh produced a bumper harvest and was now able to even export this product.


The provincial information minister also recalled that the Benazir income support program, launched by the PPP, had been criticized by the party's opponents, but that it had greatly contributed to the collection of data which is now used in following disasters and natural calamities to help those affected. .

Bus service to Mirpurkhas

The minister said that the Sindh government was bringing improvement in the transport sector and announced that Peoples bus service would be launched soon in Mirpurkhas. Introduction of electric buses in Karachi was also under consideration, he added.

Published in Dawn, April 13, 2024




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