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Donald Trump, OJ Simpson and the real trial of the century

Donald Trump, OJ Simpson and the real trial of the century


OJ Simpson, who died this week at the age of 76, has yet to receive anything in the world. Everything OJ touched turned to gold. The only thing that could change OJ Simpson's trajectory was himself.

At the height of his fame, he was not only arguably the greatest running back in NFL history, but also a media and advertising star on a level beyond belief.

But the football hero has made himself a villain. He may have been on the brink of his fame arc when he was accused of two murders, but his star power had only slightly diminished.

Donald J. Trump, on the other hand, gave it his all, nearly lost it several times, found himself on television for a new burst of glory, and won a presidency.

The California Highway Patrol pursued Al Cowlings, driving, and OJ Simpson, hiding behind the white Bronco on Highway 91, just west of I5. The pursuit ended with Simpson's arrest at his Brentwood… The California Highway Patrol pursued Al Cowlings, driving, and OJ Simpson, hiding behind the white Bronco on Highway 91, just west of the I5 highway. The pursuit ended with Simpson's arrest at his Brentwood home. More from Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

But now he finds himself in a courtroom in New York, just like OJ did in Los Angeles. Their similarities and differences – at least before the law – will be put to the test in the coming weeks.

I was finishing law school in 1995, during the Simpson-mania-fueled emergence of CourtTV, and I watched every second of it. The glove may or may not have fit well, but there was surely no chance a jury would acquit him.

But, of course, they did, allowing “The Juice” to obstruct justice as he leapt over linebackers on the football fields of the University of Southern California and for the Buffalo NFL Bills.

Later, as OJ's disgrace was nearing completion, he was found civilly liable for the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

But the civil trial was both a disappointing afterthought and an afterthought, failing in any way to capture our imagination. The criminal trial was the trial of the century, a legal and media hypercreation that we imagined impossible to eclipse.

And maybe we were right. But in this very different eclipse week, we must consider that over the next few weeks we might be wrong.

The most recent former president of the United States faces not one, not two, but 88 criminal charges in a multitude of cases.

On Monday, the first criminal trial in history of a US president will begin in a New York courtroom. If that base isn't spicy enough for you, the subject is, as we all know, the secret payments allegedly made by former President Donald Trump to a very smart, capable and courageous person who accomplished more. rather than fleeting fame in the world of adult entertainment.

Unlike that of OJ Simpson, Trump's criminal trial will not be televised. If this really is the test of this century, we're going to have to use our imaginations to piece it together, and in the age of social media and endless on-demand entertainment, we've become horrible at it.

I'm not sure we can fully digest the gravity of this century's ordeal. While the OJ Simpson trial involved a sports and media star, the Trump trial involves a former president of the United States who is in jeopardy in two federal districts and two state courts.

That there is a possibility that Trump will go to prison is story enough; The fact that the most recent presidential polls still put him in the lead in his re-election bid undeniably takes it to the next level.

The American jury system is based on the concept of a jury composed of peers. Yet OJ Simpson had no peer, and neither did Donald J. Trump.

There is a strong argument that, in some deep and fundamental way, their only peers could have been each other. Two men who not only, in the parlance of our times, shared an unprecedented vibe among their fan base, but who also commanded the kind of attention and admiration that few could dream of.

“To say that juries are unpredictable would be an understatement,” said Roger V. Archibald, Esq., a Brooklyn criminal attorney. “In high-profile cases, the normal challenges of jury selection become exponentially more difficult. In celebrity cases, we must take into account the predisposition of jurors to hold opinions about the accused. None of this is easy.”

The level of difficulty will be tested next week when they attempt to assemble a jury in New York. This group of people will then be tasked with listening to evidence that will lead them to render a verdict that could not only make this case considered the trial of the century, but could change the trajectory of the next presidential election and even American democracy .

It's a difficult thing.

What's even more difficult is that the only way for us to follow this in real time is to use the sensory impressions of journalists who rush out of the courtroom to report what they saw, treated and believed to other journalists who will then try to do so. to pass this on to us. This is the opposite of a reality show scenario, something the former president-turned-current defendant excelled at.

OJ Simpson got nothing and captured the imagination of a nation.

Everything Donald J. Trump touched was gold, until he found a way to tarnish it.

The only thing that could change Donald J. Trump’s trajectory was himself. At least that's what a jury will be asked to decide in a few days.

Pulitzer Prize-nominated writer Aron Solomon, JD, is Amplify's chief strategy officer. He has taught entrepreneurship at McGill University and the University of Pennsylvania and was elected to the Fastcase 50, recognizing the world's top 50 legal innovators. Aron has been featured in Newsweek, Fast Company, Fortune, Forbes, CBS News, CNBC, USA Today, ESPN, Abogados, Today's Esquire, TechCrunch, The Hill, BuzzFeed, Venture Beat, The Independent, Fortune China, Yahoo!, ABA Journal ,,The Boston Globe and many other leading publications around the world.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author.

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