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Chinese official meets North Korean leader Kim in Pyongyang in highest-level talks in years

Chinese official meets North Korean leader Kim in Pyongyang in highest-level talks in years


BEIJING A senior Chinese official reaffirmed ties with North Korea during a meeting Saturday with the country's leader Kim Jong Un in the capital Pyongyang, Chinese state media reported, part of the highest-level talks between the allies in years.

The visit by Zhao Leji, third in the ruling Communist Party and speaker of the ceremonial parliament, comes as North Korea has missile firing tests to intimidate South Korea and its ally, the United States.

Xinhua news agency reported that Zhao told Kim at the meeting concluding his three-day visit that China, the North's biggest source of economic aid and diplomatic support, hoped to further develop ties. , but made no mention of the political situation in the North. peninsula or region.

The Korean Central News Agency, which is responsible for North Korea, also confirmed the meeting on Sunday and said Kim held unspecified discussions with Zhao on strengthening multifaceted exchanges and cooperation and other important issues of mutual interest. KCNA said the Chinese delegation left the country later Saturday.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 75 years ago, China and North Korea have been good neighbors and strive together to achieve a common destiny and development level, Zhao was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

China fought on behalf of the reclusive communist state against the United States and other countries during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953, and in recent years helped prop up its weak economy, allegedly in violation of sanctions. the UN in response to Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program that Beijing had implemented. approved.

Zhao met with his North Korean counterpart Choe Ryong Hae on Thursday and discussed how to promote exchanges and cooperation in all fields, the North's official Korean Central News Agency reported.

North Korea closed its borders at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, amid reports of a major outbreak and food shortages. Zhao's visit to North Korea marked the first bilateral exchange involving a member of China's Politburo Standing Committee since the start of the pandemic. Before the outbreak, Kim and Chinese President Xi Jinping held two summits in 2019.

North Korea and China are expected to have several exchanges this year to mark the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties. North Korea has sought to strengthen cooperation with Beijing and Russia amid a standoff with the United States and South Korea over its missile launches and nuclear program.

Kim visited Russia in September for a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The United States, South Korea and others accuse North Korea of ​​providing conventional weapons for Russia's war in Ukraine in exchange for advanced weapon technologies and other media.

China has refused to criticize the Russian invasion and has accused the United States and NATO of provoking Moscow, but says it will not provide direct military support to Moscow.

__ AP writer Kim Tong-hyung contributed from Seoul, South Korea.




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