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PM Modi accuses Congress, Indian bloc of plotting to steal reserves

PM Modi accuses Congress, Indian bloc of plotting to steal reserves


Launching a campaign blitz in western Maharashtra on Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi provocatively accused the opposition Congress and India's National Alliance for Inclusive Development bloc of hatching a conspiracy to to aggravate social tensions. He also accused the opposition of wanting to steal the reservation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and hand them over to Muslims in an act of political appeasement.

The thrust of Mr. Modis' speeches in Solapur, Satara and at the mega-rally in Pune was that the Congress, blinded by vote bank politics, would have divided the country along religious lines. The prime minister launched attacks on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Nationalist Congress Party (SP) chief Sharad Pawar, calling Mr Gandhi's ideas dangerous while calling 83-year-old Mr Pawar a he wandering mind responsible for Maharashtra's chronic political instability.

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Referring to the Congress and the INDIA bloc, he said, “Those who cannot challenge the Bharatiya Janata Party and the National Democratic Alliance head-on are now spreading fake videos on social media. Using artificial intelligence, statements we never imagined are propagated through our fake voices, sometimes in mine, sometimes in the voice of Amit Shah or JP Naddas, and sometimes in the voice of our ministers chief. [NDA CMs]. These people are deliberately trying to create a social conflagration and are hatching a plot to aggravate social tensions.

Mr Modi warned that in the coming days these forces would try to do something big in the country by disrupting social harmony and asked the Election Commission of India to take stern action against those spreading such videos rigged.

The Prime Minister lashed out at the Congress and Rahul Gandhi for apparently trying to withdraw reservation given to Dalits, Adivasis and OBCs in order to redirect them towards Muslims.

You will be amazed at what Congress plans. The Constitution strictly prohibits reservations based on religious criteria. After the SC criticized the Congress on this, they developed this model of Karnataka in which overnight they removed a fatwa and turned all Muslims into OBCs, grabbing the latter's 27 per cent quota and leaving OBCs in limbo, he said, accusing the Congress of trying to tamper with Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar's Constitution and to then deploy the amended Constitution across the country.

But the Congress and INDIA bloc must be aware that as long as Modi is alive, as long as public blessings are with me, I will foil all your efforts to amend the Constitution in the name of religion, Mr. .Modi.

Mocking Rahul Gandhi and the Congress's lack of vision for the country, Mr. Modi asserted that the grand old party was determined to take India back to the era of License Raj.

The Congress shehzaades statements are dangerous. This prince is now looking at your [publics] hard-earned money. He says the wealth you earn will be x-rayed, including your possessions and jewelry. Some party advisers are considering an inheritance tax. Congress leaders deserted the party. Its young leaders are resigning, claiming that the Congress is in the hands of Maoists, the Prime Minister said.

In a scathing attack on Sharad Pawar, Mr Modi said there were wandering minds who kept disturbing not only the opposition party but also causing unrest within his party and family.

There are wandering spirits whose dreams never come true. Maharashtra has also fallen prey to these spirits. 45 years ago, a great leader [Sharad Pawar]in the name of his ambitions, started this game. Since then, Maharashtra has plunged into a period of instability with no chief minister being able to complete his term, he said, hinting to 1978, when Mr. Pawar became the youngest CM of the state by toppling the government of Congressman Vasantdada Patils.

India must be saved from these wandering spirits. Therefore, I would like this Mahayuti The Maharashtra government will move forward with full strength and complete the pending works of the last 25 years, the Prime Minister said.

Mr Modi further accused previous Congress-led governments of allegedly giving free rein to terrorists.

The Congress had invoked the theory of saffron terror by placing all the blame on innocent Hindus. They were even willing to blame the 2008 Mumbai terror attack on the sacred saffron, Mr. Modi claimed, attacking the Congress as the party that supported banned groups like the controversial Popular Front of India, and would support apparently Yasin Bhatkal and Yakub. Mémon.

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He reassured that the BJP had no intention of amending the Constitution and the opposition was deliberately spreading such misinformation.

Today, even if Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar wanted to change the Constitution, he cannot do it, forget that Modi is trying to do it. The Congress did not even allow Dr. Ambedkar's Constitution to be implemented in Jammu and Kashmir. By implementing Section 370, Congress has insulted the Constitution of the country. When the NDA government removed Article 370, it became the biggest guarantee of social justice. For the first time in Jammu and Kashmir, SC/ST/OBCs and women were given the same rights that Babasaheb envisioned for the country. This is Modi's record on social justice, the Prime Minister said.

Mr. Modi was campaigning for MahayutiRoyal Maratha candidates Udayanraje Bhosale in Satara, Ram Satpute in Solapur and the four Pune district seats – Sunetra Pawar (Baramati), Murlidhar Mohol (Pune Lok Sabha), Shrirang Barne (Maval) and Shivajirao Adhalrao-Patil (Shirur).

While Baramati, Solapur and Satara went to polls in the third phase on May 7, voting for Pune, Shirur and Maval will take place in the fourth phase on May 13.




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