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Ali Riaz bought Banigala land for Farah, court told – Journal

Ali Riaz bought Banigala land for Farah, court told – Journal


ISLAMABAD: A prosecution witness in the 190 million corruption case has told an accountability court that Ahmed Ali Riaz Malik, son of real estate tycoon Malik Riaz, purchased land for Farhat Shahzadi, also known as name of Farah Khan, in Banigala.

Testifying in court last week during the jail trial of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi, a patwari of Mohra Noor Circle (Banigala) said: The land measuring 240 kanals, six marlas located in Moza Mohra Noor was transferred from the name of Bahria Town through Ahmed Ali Riaz Malik, son of Malik Riaz Hussain, to the name of Farhat Shahzadi.

The witness also produced certified copies of 14 mutations through which land was transferred in the name of Bahria Town by different landowners.

The official testified that the land measuring 100 kanals, one marla was transferred in the name of Farhat Shahzadi for the consideration of Rs250,125,000 while the land measuring 100 kanals, five marlas was transferred in the name of Farhat Shahzadi for the consideration of Rs250, For Rs625,000, the land measuring 40 kanals was transferred to the name of Farhat Shahzadi for the consideration of Rs32,000,000.

Prosecution witness in reference to 190m land transfer says names of Imran and his wife are not mentioned in the land transfer

The witness, however, said that as per the record, the names of accused Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi and Bushra Imran are not mentioned there as witnesses or in any manner whatsoever.

According to Imran Khan's lawyer Khalid Yousaf Chaudhry, the prosecution witness' statement exonerated the former prime minister and his wife of corruption charges.

It may be mentioned that Farah Khan is on the run in this case.

As per the reference filed before the accountability court, Shahzad Akbar, another fugitive, had on December 2, 2019 submitted a note to the then Prime Minister Imran Khan, which revealed that at the request of the National Crime Agency (NCA ) of the United Kingdom, an Account Freezing Order (AFO) has been granted by the District Judge at Westminster Court. The AFO concerned 20m.

On August 12, 2019, the ANC obtained eight AFOs relating to 119.7 million held in the accounts of Malik Riaz's family. The NCA investigation also focused on 1 Hyde Park Palace, London, a prime property valued at around 50m².

The reference places the estimated combined value at 190 m. He alleged that in April 2019, Bahria Town had given illegal monetary benefit to Imran Khan in the form of land measuring 458 kanals, four marlas and 58 square feet through Mr. Bukhari, disguised as the cover of a donation to the Al Qadir University Project Trust for which Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi was the settler/founder and Bushra Imran Khan was the trustee.

The reference alleged that Mr. Khan and Mr. Akbar colluded to give legal cover to the 171.15 million transferred to Malik Riaz.

The National Accountability Bureau has already issued arrest warrants against Imran Khan, Shahzad Akbar, Zulfi Bukhari and Farah Khan.

Mr. Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, played a pivotal role in the illicit transfer of funds meant for the State of Pakistan to an account meant for land payment by Bahria Town, Karachi, lit -on in the reference.

He added: Few participants who appeared during the inquiry revealed that when the discussion of the agenda was initiated by the members, accused no.1 Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, presiding over the meeting of the cabinet, intervened to grant approval without further discussion upon which the agenda was approved. .

In exchange for these illegal favors, Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi obtained material monetary gain, including a purported donation of approximately 458 kanals of land, funds amounting to Rs285 million, in kind as contribution to the university project of Al-Qadir.

Shahzad Akbar is accused of misusing his position as chairman of the Asset Recovery Unit (ARU) to grant undue benefits to Malik Riaz.

The reference alleged that lawyer Ziaul Mustafa Nasim aided, abetted and assisted Mr Akbar in the commission of the offence.

The reference stated that Malik Riaz, in his capacity as CEO/Director of Bahria Town (Private) Limited, actively aided, abetted and assisted in a conspiracy with the co-accused for diversion of funds meant for the State of Pakistan to a bank . designated account for payment of Bahria Town Limited, Karachi.

The reference accused Ahmed Ali Riaz of colluding with his father, Imran Khan and Shahzad Akbar and transferring 240 kanals, six marlas lands in the name of Farah Khan. He also accused Mr. Bukhari of being a leader of Imran Khan.

Published in Dawn, April 14, 2024




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