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Need for strong government, says PM Modi at BJP manifesto launch

Need for strong government, says PM Modi at BJP manifesto launch


Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP President JP Nadda and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman during the launch of the party's manifesto, the Sankalp Patra, in New Delhi on April 14, 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP President JP Nadda and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman during the launch of the party's manifesto, the Sankalp Patra, in New Delhi April 14, 2024 | Photo credit: RV Moorthy

As the conflict in West Asia appeared to be intensifying, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said a strong government with a full majority was needed in the uncertain international situation that currently exists, emphasizing that his government had succeeded time and again in bringing Indians stuck in conflict situations abroad.

He said this while releasing the BJP manifesto at the party headquarters, but avoided any explicit mention of specific international conflicts.

Today, a cloud of uncertainty and tension hangs over the world. There are conflicts everywhere. In this hour of crisis, the safety of Indians living in conflict-ridden countries is our priority. In times of global unrest, the need for a stable government with an unequivocal majority in India becomes even more pressing. The BJP remains committed to forming a government that will strengthen the country's economy and propel it towards progress and development. This Sankalp Patra of the BJP ensures such a government. India, as a global ally, will strive tirelessly to work for the welfare of humanity. The Bharatiya Janata Party is resolutely taking bold and challenging decisions in the interest of the nation, prioritizing the country rather than the party itself, he said.

He added that the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government he led had positioned India as a friend of Vishwa Bandhu to the world, but it was also a government capable of taking important and difficult decisions in the interest of the country.

BJP manifesto for Lok Sabha polls titled Modi ki Guarantee 2024, pledging to build Viksit Bharat by 2047, qualifies foreign policy section as Modi ki Guarantee for Vishwa Bandhu Bharat or the universal friend .

In it, apart from asserting that the Modi government has in the past succeeded in evacuating 1.5 crore Indians stuck in conflict zones, it says: We have made Bharat a reliable and trustworthy voice globally over the past 10 years. We have demonstrated Bharat's independence of thought and action for the betterment of humanity. Our human-centered worldview has allowed us to be a consensus builder, a first responder and a voice for the Global South. Indian nationals have been evacuated from war-torn Ukraine and Israel, away from other conflict zones.

The BJP manifesto also contained a letter from Mr. Modi to the country, which elaborated on the fact that India is currently in a period of exponential growth and on the international stage. During a speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort, I had said Yahi Samay hai, Sahi Samay hai (It's time, it's the right time). Today, many respected voices across the world are also saying that India's time has come. In fact, India today is seen as an important player in global efforts to create a better future, he writes.

The Foreign Ministry, for its part, expressed deep concern over the escalation of hostilities between Israel and Iran and called for immediate de-escalation, restraint, withdrawal of violence and return to the path of democracy.




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