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Mark Kelly says Arizona abortion decision is 'all because of Donald Trump'

Mark Kelly says Arizona abortion decision is 'all because of Donald Trump'


Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) said Sunday that last week's Arizona Supreme Court ruling banning nearly all abortions in the state was the result of actions taken by former President Trump during its mandate.

“Let me start by saying this has been a disaster for the women of Arizona. They lost a fundamental right to abortion, and it's all because of Donald Trump,” Kelly said in an interview on CBS News' “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

“Donald Trump owns it. He said yesterday that he had broken Roe v. Wade, and because he did that, it allowed our court to bring back this draconian law from 1864 to take away that right and send doctors to prison,” Kelly added.

On Friday, Trump said there was no need for federal law restricting abortion because “we broke Roe v. Wade” and that states were working “brilliantly” to restrict access to abortion.

His comments come as he faces backlash for saying Monday that abortion should be left up to states to determine their policy, while appearing to say he would not sign a federal ban.

Trump has been particularly defensive since the Arizona Supreme Court's decision upheld an 1864 law and made performing the procedure a crime. This century-old law makes abortion a crime punishable by two to five years in prison for anyone who performs or helps a woman to have an abortion. It includes an extremely narrow exception allowing abortion “when necessary” to save the life of a pregnant person.

The former president said the court went too far in its ruling, and earlier Friday he urged Arizona lawmakers to act “as quickly as possible” to adjust the state's health policy. abortion, even though Republicans in the state legislature have blocked Democrats' attempts to repeal the 1864 law.

Kelly, in Sunday's interview, said he hopes to secure a ballot initiative guaranteeing abortion rights next November. Regardless, he said he expects the decision to spur Arizona voters to the polls.

“My first concern is for the women of Arizona and their health, and women could die because of this 1864 decision, once again validated by the former president. So that’s my biggest concern,” he said. “We are going to have elections in November. I imagine we're going to have a large turnout because of this issue.

“I also want to point out … that I don't think this represents who we are in the state of Arizona. This is a moment in time, we will get through this. We have the opportunity to resolve this issue in November,” he said.

Asked for a response, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung referred The Hill to the former president's earlier statement on the Arizona abortion ruling, saying the state Supreme Court “had gone too far” by “enacting and approving an inappropriate 1864 law” and calling Democrats “the 'extremists' on the issue of abortion.”

“So now the Governor and Arizona Legislature must show HEART, COMMON SENSE and ACT IMMEDIATELY to fix what happened. Don't forget that it is now up to the States and the good will of those who represent THE PEOPLE to decide. We should ideally have the three exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. This is important!” Trump wrote on Truth Social on Friday.

Story updated at 3:11 p.m.

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