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PM Modi – Kashmir Reader

PM Modi – Kashmir Reader


HOSHANGABAD (MP): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday criticized India's opposition bloc as one of its constituents favored nuclear disarmament and said it could not protect the country.
Addressing a rally in Pipariya town in Madhya Pradesh's Hoshangabad Lok Sabha constituency, Modi taunted Rahul Gandhi over his desire to eradicate poverty in one fell swoop, saying the country cannot didn't take it seriously.
He also said that the Congress always insulted Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, but the BJP government honored him.
Without naming any party, Modi said a member of the INDIA bloc had called for nuclear disarmament referring to the CPI(M) manifesto.
He asked the people whether in today's world the country needs nuclear weapons or not, especially when its enemies have such great power.
In the manifestos of the INDI alliance partners, a number of dangerous promises were made. One of his partners' manifestos said he would denuclearize the country, he said.
We should have nuclear weapons to protect our country; those who say otherwise, how will they protect India, he said.
Without taking Rahul Gandhi's name, Modi taunted him over his desire to eradicate poverty in one fell swoop.
He said the Congress shehzada had made such an announcement that people would laugh, and added that the country was not taking it seriously.
His grandmother (former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi) also once gave the slogan of Garibi Hatao and people also know it, he said.
Congress always insulted Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, we honored him, Modi said on the birth anniversary of the chief architect of the Indian Constitution.
Thanks to the Constitution given by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, a tribal woman became the President of India, he said, referring to the election of Droupadi Murmus to the highest constitutional post in the country.
Today is a big day in history as today is the birth anniversary of Ambedkar Ji. It is because of the Babasaheb Constitution that the daughter of a tribal family became the president of the country and the son of a poor woman is seeking votes from you to serve you for the third time, Modi said.
He said the BJP government had an opportunity to develop Panch Teerth associated with Babasaheb Ambedkar, born in Mhow town of Madhya Pradesh.
The Congress is saying that if I become Prime Minister for the third time, the country will be in flames, Modi said targeting the opposition party.
The INDI (opposition) alliance is unable to decide in which direction the country should go, he said.
The slogan of Phir ek baar, Modi Sarkar, resonates across the country, the Prime Minister said.
Modi has no dreams; your dreams are my mission, he declared to the assembly.
The Prime Minister said the Congress never recognized the contribution of adivasis (tribals) but the BJP government honored them.
He said the government would celebrate 2025 as Janjatiya Gourav Diwas to mark the 150th birth anniversary of tribal icon Bhagwan Birsa Munda. (Agencies)





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