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Trump trials: New York hush money trial begins Monday

Trump trials: New York hush money trial begins Monday


The day has finally arrived, it seems.

After numerous failed attempts to delay further, Donald Trump is set to go on trial in New York on Monday, making him the first former US president to be charged with a crime and spend his day in court.

In this edition of the newsletter, we'll make sure you're ready for trial and know what to expect during the first week of jury selection. And, of course, we'll keep you updated on developments in Trump's other three criminal trials.

We'll also be checking your inboxes more frequently during the New York trial, with summaries and daily updates based on current events. You can expect the first round of courtroom highlights around dinnertime on Monday.

Questions? Email us at [email protected] and [email protected] and check for responses in future newsletters. Or watch for our live Q&A with readers at Wednesday at 2 p.m.

We're also excited to announce that The Washington Post is launching a new video and audio podcast, launching Monday called: The Trump Trials: Sidebar. Libby Casey, Rhonda Colvin and James Hohmann will meet weekly (with occasional current affairs episodes) to discuss what happened and what's next, often with appearances from us and other journalists from the Washington Post. Subscribe here to be able to find the latest episodes as soon as they launch,

Okay, buckle up, buttercup, and let's get started…

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Hundreds of potential jurors will be summoned to Manhattan Criminal Court this week to answer questions about whether they can fairly try the former president. The jury selection process could take about two weeks. Twelve jurors will be selected, plus alternates.

The judge can dismiss any potential juror they believe should not serve and each side has 10 strikes they can use to disqualify a potential juror. Each side also gets two strikes for each alternate juror.

New York isn't the only action this week. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hold oral arguments on a challenge to a federal law that makes it a crime to impede or interfere with an official proceeding. The law was used to charge hundreds of people in connection with the January 6, 2021 riot that disrupted Congress' official certification of Joe Biden's presidential victory. It was also used to accuse Trump in his federal election interference case in Washington. The law was written in the wake of the Enron scandal, which involved the shredding of documents by the company's accountants.

If the justices rule broadly that the law does not apply to efforts to block election results, it could invalidate some of the charges against Trump in Washington.

Donald Trump said April 12 that he would be willing to testify at his trial on charges of falsifying business records to help cover up an alleged affair. (Video: The Washington Post)

Now, a recap of last week's action will focus only on New York and Florida, as all was quiet in both Trump's federal election interference cases in Washington D.C. and the separate election interference case in a state in Georgia.

New York: secret money affair for the StateReturn to menu

The details: 34 charges related to hush money payment in 2016.

Scheduled trial date: Monday

Last week: Trump's lawyers lost four separate attempts to get a last-minute postponement of the trial, three in emergency hearings before an appeals court judge and one following a ruling by the state judge. New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the trial. So, barring a surprisingly successful new play for more time, this is happening. Trump does not appear to be very happy with the decision and in recent days has tested the limits of his court-imposed silence order by ridiculing the judge, the prosecutor and a witness. He also said he would take the witness stand.

Here are the basic facts to know about the case:

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen paid adult film actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 before the 2016 election to silence her about an alleged tryst with Trump. Prosecutors say Trump then sent $420,000 to Cohen, which included reimbursing Daniels' payment. Trump reportedly recorded the payment in his company's internal documents as a legal retainer. Prosecutors say the payment was not actually a legal provision and Trump falsified his business records to conceal other potential crimes. For example, prosecutors say the payments violated state election laws because they were intended to illegally help Trump influence the 2016 election. The unusual and difficult part of this case is that to convict Trump of a crime, prosecutors must link the alleged falsification of financial information. files with a more sinister electoral plot for which he does not face charges. Return to menu

Antommarchi: In New York State, defendants have the right to be present at all stages of relevant questioning of potential jurors, including when a judge is given a box to discuss a private matter of a potential juror, so they can see the facial reactions of potential jurors. to questions and discussions. It's called Antommarchi rights, named after Domingo Antommarchi, whose drug conviction was overturned on appeal because he was unable to participate in these side activities.

We will see if Trump considers the possibility of approaching individual jurors.

Florida: classified federal documents caseReturn to menu

The details: Trump faces 40 federal charges for keeping top-secret government documents at Mar-a-Lago, his home and private club, and thwarting government requests to return them.

Expected trial date: unclear

Last week: Judge Aileen M. Cannon appeared skeptical during a hearing Friday afternoon focused on motions to dismiss by Trump's two co-defendants, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira. Their lawyers argued that the indictment falsely accuses Trump employees of obstructing authorities' efforts to recover classified documents without providing clear evidence that they were aware of an ongoing investigation or that they knew the boxes of documents contained classified documents.

Cannon has repeatedly stated that these arguments would be better suited as a defense at trial. The judge has a backlog of substantive decisions to make, including setting a firm date for trial, which is slowing down the proceedings.

Nauta, who is accused of lying to investigators, released a redacted version of his May 2022 interview with the FBI. The transcript doesn't reveal much new information, but shows that Nauta told investigators he didn't know there were classified documents in the boxes and thought Trump was storing hairspray and other items in its storage rooms. It also includes back-and-forths with investigators in which Nauta claims he didn't move some of the boxes as officials sought to recover them, as well as back-and-forths in which prosecutors say Nauta was lying.

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Q. If Trump is elected president in November, could he be tried in the months before he takes office?

A. This is an unprecedented scenario, but federal law and Department of Justice guidance do not prohibit a president-elect from being tried in federal court. The guidelines state that sitting presidents cannot be prosecuted, which generally means they cannot be tried while in office. We imagine that Trump and his lawyers will retaliate forcefully if this scenario comes to pass, but nothing prevents a president-elect from facing trial.

Thanks for catching up with us. You can find old issues here.




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