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Today in politics: PM Modi and Rahul Gandhi to campaign in Kerala; SC to hear Kejriwals' plea against ED's arrest | News from the political pulse

Today in politics: PM Modi and Rahul Gandhi to campaign in Kerala;  SC to hear Kejriwals' plea against ED's arrest |  News from the political pulse


Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former Congress president Rahul Gandhi will be in Kerala on Monday and will hold rallies at different places as part of their campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.

While Modi will attend two public meetings in Thiruvananthapuram and Thrissur, Rahul will hold a public meeting in his Wayanad constituency, from where he is eyeing a second term.

The state's 20 Lok Sabha seats will go to polls in the second phase on April 26. Sources said Modis rallies are being held in a bid to boost the party's chances in a state where the BJP has never won a Lok Sabha seat. The party has fielded Union Minister Rajeev Chandrashekar from Thiruvananthapuram, where Congress Shashi Tharoor is in the fray, while it has fielded actor Suresh Gopi from Thrissur.

This is Modi's sixth visit to the state this year. He will travel to Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu, where he is expected to address a public meeting in the evening.

Meanwhile, Rahul will arrive in the state on a two-day tour and will hold a United Democratic Front (UDF) rally in north Kozhikode in the evening and participate in several programs in his constituency over the next few days.

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Party leaders say his candidacy in the state will boost the party's chances in the next election. The UDF had won 19 of the state's 20 seats in 2019.

The former Congress president will face CPI leader Annie Raja and Kerala BJP leader K Surendran from Wayanad.

SC to hear Kejriwals' plea challenging ED's arrest

The Supreme Court Monday will hear Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's plea challenging his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate.

A bench comprising Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta will hear the case. Earlier this month, the Delhi High Court upheld his arrest by the central agency.

He (Kejriwal) is allegedly involved in the offense of money laundering on two counts. First, in a personal capacity, as he participated in the formulation of excise policy and demanded bribes. Secondly, in his capacity as the National Convener of the Aam Aadmi Party under Section 70(1) of the PMLA, for using 45 crore proceeds of crime in the election campaign of the AAP in the 2022 elections to Goa, the court had said.

Kejriwal was arrested by the ED last month in connection with the money laundering probe linked to the Delhi excise policy case. Last week, a Delhi court remanded him to judicial custody till April 15.

The Delhi CM had moved the Supreme Court after the Delhi High Court said there was no violation of legal provisions.

BJP bigwigs continue their campaign

Union Home Minister Amit Shah will attend a public rally at Tripura's Kumarghat on Monday, after which he will visit Hapta Kangjeibung in Imphal to attend a public meeting, BJP general secretary said Manipur, K Saratkumar Singh.

In the evening, he will organize a roadshow in Jaipur from Sanganeri Gate to Choti Chowpad.

BJP national president JP Nadda will be in Uttarakhand, where he will hold a public meeting in Mussoorie on Monday.

Meanwhile, Union Defense Minister Rajnath Singh will address a rally at Kathua-Udhampur-Doda Lok Sabha seat in support of his Cabinet colleague and BJP candidate Jitender Singh.

Priyanka in Rajasthan, Kharge gathering in Pondicherry

Star Congress activist and AICC general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will take part in road shows in Rajasthan, Alwar and Dausa on Monday.

According to sources, in Alwar, where the Congress fielded Lalit Yadav, Priyanka will hold a roadshow with former CM Ashok Gehlot. Yadav is pitted against Union Minister Bhupendra Yadav.

Later in the evening, she will address a rally in Dausa along with former deputy CM Sachin Pilot. The party fielded Murari Lal Meena from the seat reserved for Scheduled Tribes (ST). Murari will take on BJP's Kanhaiya Lal Meena, but will also face dissent from senior leader Naresh Meena, who was denied a ticket.

Meanwhile, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge will hold a rally in support of party candidate V Vaithilingam in Puducherry.

With PTI inputs




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