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Indian Ambassador Akhilesh Mishra praises PM Modi, criticizes opposition in letter to Irish newspaper

Indian Ambassador Akhilesh Mishra praises PM Modi, criticizes opposition in letter to Irish newspaper


Indian Ambassador to Ireland Akhilesh Mishra.  Deposit

Indian Ambassador to Ireland Akhilesh Mishra. File | Photo credit: X/@AkhileshIFS


Indian Ambassador to Ireland Akhilesh Mishra attracted international attention after writing a letter to a leading Irish newspaper defending Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in which she also criticized the Congress era, ruled by a single dynastic party. The issue gained prominence after the Indian embassy in Dublin on April 15. used the mission's official handle on social media platform turn off a letter that Mr. Mishra had written to the editors of Irish weather to protest against a recent editorial which took note of the arrest of acting Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and said that intolerant majoritarianism, privileging Hinduism, was the order of the day in India.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi enjoys unprecedented popularity and profile not only in India but around the world due to his impeccable personal character, integrity and thought leadership in innovative and inclusive governance and sustainable development, Ambassador Mishra said in his letter to Irish weather.

Talking about Mr. Modi, he added: Since he does not belong to any elite political family, his personal life inspires millions of common people in India and other developing countries.

Referring to previous governments, which amounted to observations on the current opposition, in India, Ambassador Mishra said: The fight against the deep-rooted corruption ecosystem (created by the 55-year rule, of which the first 30 years, by a single dynastic) party in India) is a major factor behind Mr. Modi's ever-increasing popularity.

Irish weather made critical observations of the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said Mr Modi has relied heavily on a widespread crackdown on free speech and opposition parties, with hundreds of politically targeted corruption cases and tax cases filed against opposition MPs and leaders, adding, India's democratic credentials have been badly tarnished.

The newspaper noted two of the most high-profile recent cases, Mr Kejriwal's arrest and the freezing of opposition Congress bank accounts, and said: “The BJP denies any role, with Modi insisting the agency Most investigations are carried out by the federal government, the Enforcement Directorate. ED), is independent. Yet 95 percent of his political complaints have been filed against the opposition.

Mr. Mishra assumed his current appointment on October 6, 2021 and has a distinguished career spanning three decades as an Indian Foreign Service officer. He was earlier appointed as the Director General of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in 2019-20. He also served as India's Envoy to the Maldives from 2016 to 2019 and Consul General of India in Toronto (2013-2016). Originally from Varanasi, Mr. Mishra speaks Spanish, Italian and Nepali as foreign languages.

Ambassador Akhilesh Mishras' remarks on the country's previous governments drew a strong response from Congress' Jairam Ramesh, who said the observations were unprofessional. Mr. Ramesh said in a subsequent article on He actually violated service rules and should be sacked immediately. Indian diplomats posted abroad are expected to support and publicize the programs and projects of the government of the day, but criticism of the political opposition by a posted Indian envoy is rare.




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