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PM Modi focuses on welfare, development initiatives at Tripura rally

PM Modi focuses on welfare, development initiatives at Tripura rally


Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets supporters along with Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha during a public meeting in support of BJP East Tripura candidate Kriti Singh Debbarma and the party's candidate from West Tripura constituency, Biplab Kumar Deb, for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, in Agartala on April 17.  2024

Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets supporters along with Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha during a public meeting in support of BJP East Tripura candidate Kriti Singh Debbarma and the party's candidate from West Tripura constituency, Biplab Kumar Deb, for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, in Agartala on April 17. 2024 | Photo credit: ANI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi focused on the Bharatiya Janata Party's manifesto, its work towards people's welfare and development initiatives as he appealed for votes at an election rally in Agartala in the day before the first of India's multi-phased Lok Sabha elections. He started greeting the crowd on the occasion of Rama Navami, referring to the construction of the Ram temple as ending a 500-year-old impasse.

Mr. Modi harshly criticized the alleged opportunist policies of the Congress and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) for power greed and corruption. These parties are fighting in alliance in Tripura and insulting each other in Kerala, he said, wondering how such a formation could work.

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The previous governments only looted the northeast and created unrest to ensure that the states were backward in all areas and kept the vote bank intact, at the cost of people's sufferings, Mr. Modi said. He claimed that the CPI(M)-led Left front government had not even properly implemented schemes like Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, leaving people destitute.

After the installation of the BJP government in Tripura [in 2018]3.5 million pucca the houses were sanctioned. He listed other social welfare programs and development projects in light of his commitment to implement the HIRA. [highways, internet road, railway, and airway] model, he said.

What we've done is just a trailer. More will be done in Tripura on welfare, economic growth, connectivity and infrastructure development, and a HIRA plus model will be added, Mr. Modi said.

He described the Look East policy of the erstwhile Congress government as a policy of plunder to the East and said he had dismantled the policy a decade ago and replaced it with the effective Act East policy.

Earlier, Congress ministers could not even determine where Tripura was, but we have taken a completely different approach towards the region, he said.

Mr Modi said he had visited the northeast more than 50 times in the past decade and had drawn comparisons with his predecessors. He said his commitments are his guarantees of implementation over the next five years.

Mr. Modi appealed to people not to waste their votes in favor of other parties and urged voters to support BJP Lok Sabha candidates Biplab Kumar Deb and Kriti Devi Debbarman in their respective Lok Sabha constituencies.




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