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Donald Trump is already showing “contempt” towards his jurors: Mary Trump

Donald Trump is already showing “contempt” towards his jurors: Mary Trump


Former President Donald Trump is showing “contempt” toward his jurors just days after the start of his criminal trial in New York, according to his ex-niece Mary Trump.

The former president's secret trial in Manhattan, where he pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records, began Monday with jury selection. By the end of Tuesday, seven of the 18 required jurors had been selected. The trial is suspended on Wednesday.

While the most notable moments of the trial so far have involved jury selection and New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan's warnings to the ex-president, several instances where Trump reportedly falling asleep in court also raised eyebrows.

Mary Trump, writing in her newsletter The Good in Us on SubStack, pointed out that MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes denounced her uncle for allegedly sleeping during the trial after repeatedly calling President Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe.”

Former President Donald Trump is pictured outside his criminal trial in New York on April 16, 2024. Trump's ex-niece Mary Trump said Wednesday that the ex-president showed “contempt » toward jurors in… Former President Donald Trump is pictured outside his criminal trial in New York on April 16, 2024. Trump's ex-niece, Mary Trump, said Wednesday that the ex-president had shown “contempt” towards the jurors by allegedly falling asleep at several points during the first two days of the trial. MICHAEL M. SANTIAGO/POOL/AFP

The former president's niece then speculated that her uncle was either “tired” or “medicated” before claiming he was sending a message to jurors that he “would rather sleep through” the trial instead than to pay attention to it because of its “contempt”.

“Donald may be tired, he may be on medication, but who cares, what message does it send to everyone else in the courtroom that he doesn't bother to keep Open eyes ?” Mary Trump wrote. “How will the engaged and attentive jury feel when they are forced to stand there entirely because of him while he relaxes?”

“He is fully aware of the seriousness of these procedures, so one can only infer that he has such contempt for them and for the rest of the participants, that he prefers to sleep through it all,” a- she added. “The jury will only see how tired, pitiful and arrogant he is – and none of that will help him.”

Newsweek contacted Donald Trump's office by email Wednesday for comment.

Trump was mocked by many on social media after reports from New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman and others in the courtroom claimed he had dozed off several times at the during the first day of the trial Monday.

There were further reports that Trump was sleeping during the second day of the trial on Tuesday when veteran courtroom artist Jane Rosenberg also drew the former president apparently asleep during the proceedings.

Trump's lawyer, Alina Habba, who is not representing the former president in the criminal cases and was not present in the courtroom on either day of the trial, later called the dormant reports “ridiculous” during from an interview with the conservative media Newsmax.

Habba suggested the former president's eyes might have been closed during the trial because he “reads a lot.”

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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