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London mosque denies advising schools to postpone all prayers | school

London mosque denies advising schools to postpone all prayers |  school


One of the UK's most popular mosques has denied advising Michaela Community School that all afternoon prayers could be postponed, contradicting claims heard in court.

Katharine Birbalsingh, who heads the non-denominational state school in Wembley and is often described as Britain's strictest headteacher, defeated a high court challenge this week to her policy to ban pupils from praying at lunchtime.

The Muslim student who brought the legal case was banned from praying at the school after Birbalsingh claimed it disrupted the school's cohesion and undermined inclusion. However, the student argued that the policy was discriminatory.

According to the written ruling, the chairman informed the court that she had spoken to the imam at the central London mosque, who agreed that the afternoon prayer could be held later and offered to speak to any Muslim parents who had doubts about it. point.

However, a statement from the mosque issued in X disputed this, saying he had told the school that in some circumstances it would not be possible to apologize later.

The statement said: Regarding the later prayer, the central London mosque explained that, in summer, the time between Dhur (lunch prayer) and Asr (afternoon prayer) is longer, so the earlier prayer (in this case ). that Dhur) can be done later this is an accepted practice called Al jamm al suri.

We made it clear that in winter it would not be possible to pray later as the times are much shorter, he added.

The statement posted on Twitter also described the high court's decision as very disappointing and said that preventing them from praying one of the five pillars of Islam was a violation of their religious and human rights.

Birbalsingh did not comment on the mosques' claims, but in a statement released after the ruling, she wrote: At Michaela we expect all faiths and all races to make the necessary sacrifices to enable our school to thrive. The vast majority do so without complaint.

Birbalsingh said 50% of the schools were Muslim, adding: If our families didn't like the school, they wouldn't keep choosing to send their children to Michaela.

Mr Justice Linden, in his 83-page written decision, said the prayer ban was a proportionate means of achieving the school's legitimate aims.

Linden added: The applicant at least implicitly accepted, when she enrolled at the school, that she would be subject to restrictions on her ability to display her religion.

However, the judge also acknowledged that the prayer ban indirectly discriminated against Muslims because they were more likely than other students to want to pray during school hours.

After the ruling, the student said in a statement that she was disappointed, adding: As set out in the ruling, I disagree that it would be too difficult for the school to accommodate students who wanted to pray at lunchtime.

Michaela Community School, which is rated outstanding by Ofsted, has previously attracted attention as pupils are expected to adhere to strict rules, including staying quiet in corridors and respecting uniform restrictions.




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