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The former president is hostile towards the jurors.

The former president is hostile towards the jurors.


Donald Trump's first criminal trial moved more quickly than expected last week, with a full roster of 12 jurors and six alternates seated Friday. Slates Jeremy Stahl was present at the Manhattan courthouse throughout the proceedings and will continue to report on the trial in the coming weeks. On Saturday's episode of Amicus, he spoke with Mark Joseph Stern about what he saw as an attempt by the prosecution and defense to shape the jury in their favor. Their conversation has been edited for clarity.

Mark Joseph Stern: Let's start with an article that Dahlia Lithwick wrote with Anat Shenker-Osorio challenging the erroneous commentary that assumes this trial won't sway many voters one way or the other. Dahlia and Anat believe that the trial could remind certain tired citizens of the stakes of this presidential election. They write: This changes the narrative from the story of two old men, whom they find unattractive, to the possibility of a convicted criminal deciding what laws, if any, apply to him and everyone the world. Your thoughts?

Jeremy Stahl: So I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who spent a week listening to potential jurors who are also citizens and voters. And I heard jurors explain what it means to hold Trump to the same standards of justice as anyone else, to not treat him as above the law, but also to presume that he is innocent until he is proven guilty. You can hear them really grappling with the gravity and weight of the matter. They know how real it is.

The problem for the public, I think, is that there are no cameras in the courtroom. Most people won't see how serious it is. They're going to rely on secondary descriptions of people like me, and I think viscerally that's a harder thing to convey. I hope this can be passed down and people can enjoy it. This will snowball into a bigger and bigger story over the course of this trial; people will understand more and more what is at stake, especially once the verdict is rendered. But yes, it remains a real challenge that this is not in front of anyone's eyes.

Regardless, Trump remains stuck in this courtroom for the foreseeable future. Judge Merchan won't let him go, will he?

I mean, Trump wants to go to Barron's graduation. Judge Merchan said: put a pin in that.

I've seen conservative Trump defenders say this is crazy, but we should remind people that this is how criminal trials work: the defendant doesn't get to choose which calendar days they attend. You have to be there all the time.

It's very typical. Additionally, Trump wants to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court next week for oral arguments in his immunity case. His lawyers argued that he must be present and that could impact this case. Judge Merchan told me, “I don't think it will have any impact on this case, and also, no, you can't go.” He's very concise and sometimes a little thoughtful in his answers, but when he decides something, it's just boom, on to the next problem.

You and I wrote an article explaining why the Supreme Court immunity case doesn't even apply here, and why Justice Mercan refused to even consider it because Trump didn't lift immunity only at the eleventh hour, as a delaying tactic.

That, and the crime itself, is private conduct, right? This is not even presidential conduct. This is a cover-up payment to Stormy Daniels, with whom he allegedly had this affair, and who did not want voters to know about it. This has nothing to do with being president.

So Trump is stuck in this chair. He is trying to find a face that communicates his not guilty to the jury and a face that shows the public, through the courtroom cartoonists, that he is the eager victim of a witch hunt. How is he ?

A week after the start of his trial, Donald Trump is doing the jurors no favors. Mike Johnson's epiphany would have been a lot cooler months ago. What Trump jurors think of former President Trump. Only the options for his defense are really quite bad.

Trump is doing himself a disservice with his behavior in front of these jurors. He does not offer them a pleasant attitude and sometimes he is downright hostile and almost aggressive towards them. He makes lingering eye contact, he looks at people, and then when he walks out of the courtroom, he makes his usual campaign speech: It's a witch hunt. Everyone is against me. Blah, blah, blah.

Let us know what you're looking out for next week.

Next week is a big week with the start of the trial. In fact, it will begin in earnest on Monday. We will have the opening arguments of the prosecution, in which they present their entire theory of the case. Both sides have already started doing this during jury selection. But next week we will hear the full story each side will tell and we will find out who the first witnesses are. On Tuesday, we will also hear this question about continued violations of Trump's silence order. Judge Merchan does not seem inclined to be friendly toward Trump, based on his previous comments. If Trump continues to violate Merchan's gag order, I don't know what the escalation will look like. But it's going to be something serious.




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