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INDIA bloc only believes in vote bank politics, says PM Modi in Maharashtras Nanded

INDIA bloc only believes in vote bank politics, says PM Modi in Maharashtras Nanded


Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses an election rally in Nanded on April 20, 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses an election rally in Nanded on April 20, 2024. | Photo credit: PTI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a public meeting in Nanded, Maharashtra, on April 20, with overwhelming support from the BJP-NDA people. Nanded will go to polls in phase 2 on April 26.

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Speaking on the initial phase of voting for the Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Modi said, “We have with us the popular support of the new voters. The INDI alliance came together to save and protect their corruption and the people completely rejected them in the first phase of voting. The country is voting for the BJP-NDA for a Viksit Bharat. The INDI alliance is not in a position to tell Indian citizens who their alliance leader will be.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticizes Rahul Gandhi

Launching a political attack on Rahul Gandhi, the Prime Minister called him, Congresss Shehzada (Prince), Congress Shehzada now has no option but to contest from Wayanad, but as he has fled from the headquarters of 'Amethi in 2019, he could escape the same way. far from Wayanad. Congress may make grand statements, but in reality, Congress leaders have already accepted defeat before the election dates are announced.

Also read: Will abide by party decision: Rahul Gandhi on his challenge to Amethi LS polls

Blaming the Congress party for blocking the development of the people, PM Modi said the Congress is the wall between the development of Dalits, poor and deprived. Even today, Congress opposes any development work our government intends to undertake. They can never be expected to solve problems and people cannot expect solid development prospects from them.

Speaking on the dire state and fragile conditions of Marathwada and Vidarbha, Prime Minister Modi accused the opposition party of stalling the development of the region. For decades, the Congress stalled the development of Vidarbha and Marathwada. According to Congress policy, Marathwada and Vidarbha are water-starved, their farmers are poor and there is no prospect of industrial growth. Our government has allowed Nal se Jal to 80% of households in Nanded. Our constant endeavor has been to facilitate empowerment of our farmers through record increase in MSP, income support through PM-KISAN and promotion of Sree Anna, Prime Minister Modi asserted.

Continuing his verbal attack on the Congress, he said, “Treating every wound inflicted by the Congress is Modi's guarantee. Shaktipeeth Highway and Latur Rail Coach Factory is our commitment to robust infrastructure. Our aim is to promote the development of the Marathwada region over the next 5 years.

Religion in politics

The land of Nanded reflects the purity of India's Sikh Gurus, Prime Minister Modi said and added, “We are guided by the principles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.” Over the years, we have celebrated the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the 400th birth anniversary of Guru Teg Bahadur Ji and the 350th birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. While the Congress has always opposed the Sikh community and takes revenge from 1984. This is why it opposes the CAA which aims to bring Sikh brothers and sisters to India, granting them citizenship . It was our government that brought back the Guru Granth Sahib from Afghanistan and facilitated the Kartarpur corridor. Various other decisions like the abrogation of Article 370 and abolition of Triple Talaq have greatly benefited our Muslim sisters and brothers.

Further researching the INDI alliance, PM Modi said, “INDI alliance only believes in vote bank politics. For this, they spared no effort to criticize and disrespect Sanatana. This is the same INDI alliance that boycotted Shri Ram's Pran Pratishtha.

Making a call to vote for the party, PM Modi said, “We all must strive to ensure that India becomes a Viksit Bharat, and for this, it is necessary to vote for the BJP-NDA. I am confident of seeing Modi 3.0 with people's support.

Maharashtra moves to phase 2 of elections on April 26.




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