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Jailed Imran Khan writes to Pak chief justice, raising alarm over judicial crisis in country

Jailed Imran Khan writes to Pak chief justice, raising alarm over judicial crisis in country


Last updated: April 20, 2024, 7:14 PM IST

Protesters chanted slogans demanding the restoration of their stolen mandate. (AP/File)

A letter addressing the decline of the rule of law and constitutional supremacy in Pakistan, calling for judicial intervention to prevent further erosion of justice and rights.

In a scathing letter to Pakistan's chief justice, former Prime Minister Imran Khan has sounded the alarm over what he described as a constitutional crisis gripping the politically unstable country.

In a letter dated April 20, the jailed founding chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party highlighted his concerns over the rule of law and the supremacy of the constitution in Pakistan. Khan, 72, has expressed deep regret over the decline of the rule of law, saying it has led to the emergence of what he calls the law of the jungle.

The letter comes as the Islamabad High Court (IHC) administration has sought recommendations from judges of the IHC and subordinate judiciary by April 25 to address allegations of interference by intelligence agencies in legal cases. According to a report in Dawn newspaper, the request aligns with a Supreme Court directive issued in response to a letter from six IHC judges.

Founding President Imran Khan writes to the Chief Justice of Pakistan, highlighting the grave situation in the country, and reminds him of his responsibility to remain true to his oath and stated belief in the principles and values ​​espoused by the founding fathers and the photo from Pakistan. Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) April 20, 2024

The law of the jungle

The letter outlined seven pressing issues that Khan urged the Chief Justice of Pakistan to address expeditiously. Among these concerns were allegations of misconduct by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), particularly in the handling of cases involving former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Khan accused NAB prosecutors of bias and called for an investigation into their conduct. Khan denounced alleged cases of police brutality and military intervention, citing as an example a recent incident in Bahawalnagar during the Eid-ul-Fitr holiday.

He criticized the judiciary for its inaction in the face of such incidents, calling for a more proactive role in safeguarding citizens' rights. Highlighting the alarming situation faced by members of the judiciary, Khan referred to a letter from six judges of the Islamabad High Court detailing instances of harassment and coercion by members of the executive, including of intelligence agents. He urged the Chief Justice to take decisive action to protect judicial independence and hold to account those responsible for undermining it.

Khan also expressed concerns over the fairness of the recently held general elections, citing reports of electoral manipulation and fraud. He called for a thorough investigation into the allegations and stressed the importance of respecting democratic principles. Throughout his letter, the cricketer-turned-politician also spoke about the legacy of Pakistan's founding fathers and highlighted the need for the judiciary to uphold the values ​​enshrined in the constitution. He warned that failure to resolve the issues raised could worsen the constitutional crisis.

RohitRohit is a sub-editor at covering international news. He previously worked for Asian News International (ANI). He is interested in the world and…Read more




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