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Imran Khan urges Pak's top judge to intervene to safeguard rule of law, Constitution

Imran Khan urges Pak's top judge to intervene to safeguard rule of law, Constitution


Islamabad, Apr 22 (PTI) Jailed former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa to intervene to safeguard the rule of law and supremacy of the Constitution in the country as he stressed several issues, including allegations of fraud in the February 8 general election. elections. Khan, 71, in a letter dated April 20, highlighted seven key issues facing the country, including the anti-corruption watchdog giving a clean chit to former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in the case Toshakhana and allegations of fraud in the February general elections. reminded the chief justice that the entire nation was watching and quoted the words of one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time, Albert Einstein: The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who watch and do nothing. He said the rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution had fallen to a new low in Pakistan under his leadership, saying this had brought about the gradual emergence of the law of the jungle and the enactment of the law of the jungle. primitive doctrine according to which might is right. I have no doubt that if our higher judiciary, with your good self at its head, did not intervene significantly as guardian of the Constitution and ultimate arbiter of justice, and if the previous situation were to prevail, Khan said, adding that “this would be fatal to any civilized order in the world.” Among the seven questions, Khan urged the chief justice to take note of the National Accountability Bureau's sudden decision to exonerate former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, saying the case was pursued for years and has now been dropped . Furthermore, Khan demanded an investigation against NAB Chairman Nazir Ahmed Butt and demanded his removal. Secondly, he urged the top judge to probe the Bahawalnagar incident involving the alleged beating of police by army soldiers, saying it should serve as evidence. revealing the unbalanced state of uniformed vigilante justice in Pakistan. Thirdly, Khan demanded action on the letter written by six judges of the Islamabad High Court, complaining of being subjected to blackmail, harassment and coercion by members of the executive , including agents of intelligence agencies. Fourth, he said that 90 percent of those incarcerated and tried in connection with the May 9 incidents did not engage in any violence. The state, however, acts as judge, jury and executioner in all these trials, he said. Khan said a constitutional petition on the issue was pending before the Supreme Court since May 25, 2023 and insisted that this matter should go to trial. fixed and decided as a priority. Khan also referred to a press conference by the Rawalpindi Divisional Commissioner on February 17, 2024, regarding the alleged manipulation of the February 8 election results, urging the apex judge to look into the commissioner's subsequent retraction. He asked the Chief Justice to consider a series of petitions, including one filed by his party, insisting that, contrary to constitutional stipulations, the February 8, 2024 general elections were not conducted in an honest manner, fair, equitable and in accordance with the law, and that corrupt practices were not protected therein. Finally, he urged the Chief Justice to look into the issue of allocation of reserved seats in the national and provincial assemblies, insisting that the pending petitions on this subject should also be corrected. had attempted to remove Justice Isa from his post as a Supreme Court judge and surprisingly, he raised the issue by stating that the Chief Justice had faced the wrath of the state in the form of a referral against him and urged him to take action. to save the majority of the population from the wrath of the state.




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