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China's MSS steps up efforts to combat foreign espionage amid growing tensions

China's MSS steps up efforts to combat foreign espionage amid growing tensions


China's largest spy agency, Ministry of State Security (MSS), has recently intensified its public awareness activities to alert Chinese citizens of the ever-present threat of foreign espionage. This comes amid an increase in public activity, including the release of a dramatic video on National Security Education Day, depicting the stealth and variety of tactics used by foreign spies, since from street photographer disguises to online traps.
Driving the news

  • According to a CNN report, a new three-minute video released by MSS aims to galvanize the Chinese public in the fight against foreign espionage, depicting every citizen as an essential part of the country's security framework.
  • The narrator of the video places a strong emphasis on collective safety, stating: “They can disguise themselves as anyone. But among the crowds, you and I together protect national security, and he adds: We, 1.4 billion people, represent 1.4 billion lines of defense.
  • The video is part of a broader initiative by the MSS to mentally prepare the Chinese population to be vigilant against espionage. This approach aims not only to inform but also to instill a sense of duty and vigilance in the population.

Why is this important

  • This shift in strategy could mark a new era for the SSM, reflecting China's more assertive position on the global stage. A more visible intelligence agency aligns with China's efforts to assert its power internationally, which includes building a formidable military and expanding technological advancements.
  • Increased focus on national security among Chinese president's priorities Xi JinpingMr. Trump's strategy is to emphasize external threats, which some analysts see as a tactic aimed at deflecting domestic criticism of his policies. This approach included expanding the definition of espionage within China's counterespionage law, creating a broader scope that could affect ordinary business activities and increase surveillance within the country.
  • By presenting each citizen as a “line of defense,” the MSS promotes a nationalist approach to security. This tactic could serve to strengthen relations between the government and the public while increasing overall surveillance and reporting of suspicious activities by ordinary citizens.


  • Historically, the MSS has operated quietly, avoiding public engagements and media exposure. However, recent appearances by MSS officials at public events and in state media paint a different picture, suggesting a strategic shift toward transparency, or at least controlled visibility.
  • An example of this newfound openness was the MSS's participation in a press briefing in Beijing, a rare event widely covered by Chinese media. The event was intended to promote counterintelligence legislation, but also served as a platform for the agency to potentially reshape its public image, according to the CNN report.

Between the lines

  • According to the MSS, foreign spies are ubiquitous, infiltrating everything from mapping apps to weather stations. The ministry also released details of what it claims were espionage activities carried out by US and UK spy agencies, and detailed how Chinese nationals studying or working abroad were allegedly recruited by the CIA .
  • As part of a documentary marking National Security Education Day, the MSS revealed that a Chinese scientist convicted of selling state secrets to a foreign intelligence agency was executed in 2016. The documentary did not explicitly mention which country, but its footage shows an American flag. and the US Capitol building, according to the CNN report.
  • The MSS transformation is part of Xi's broader pivot to strengthen national security in the face of heightened geopolitical tensions and growing domestic challenges.
  • Analysts suggest the move could be aimed at improving the MSS's image domestically, particularly amid growing concerns over foreign interference and espionage. By placing itself in the spotlight, the MSS may be trying to instill a sense of nationalist pride and duty among the Chinese public.

What they say

  • Intelligence experts say while the MSS's increased visibility could improve public perception in China, it also raises questions about its operational tactics and objectives at a time when global tensions with China are escalating.
  • An incredibly wide range of issues can be considered national security threats, Sheena Chestnut Greitens, director of the Asian Policy Program at the University of Texas at Austin, told CNN.
  • “The MSS’s decision to establish a social media presence is an anomaly given its traditionally low profile,” Greitens added.

After that
Observers will be closely watching whether this change is purely cosmetic or whether it heralds deeper changes in the way the SSM operates, both in China and on the international stage.
(With contribution from agencies)




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