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6 ways the Baltimore region is celebrating the planet – Baltimore Sun

6 ways the Baltimore region is celebrating the planet – Baltimore Sun


Monday April 22 is Earth Daythe 24 hours dedicated to preserving the planet that is home to more than 8 billion humans and countless other organisms.

This year's theme is Planet Against Plastics, focusing on the threat that plastics pose to the environment, with a call to end all single-use plastics and find substitutes for their uses, including a target of reducing plastic production by 60% by 2040.

Here's a look at some of the ways the Baltimore area is celebrating the 54th anniversary of Earth Day.

Unveiling of a new Earth Day-themed bus

In addition to offering free rides all day on public transportation, the Maryland Transportation Administration will also unveil a specially designed bus featuring Earth Day artwork by the winners of an art competition for young Maryland students. The agency will unveil the winning designs Monday morning at the Parks & People Foundation in Baltimore.

Celebrating 10 Years of Mr. Trash Wheel

The water- and solar-powered trash collectors of the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore's Healthy Harbor Initiative have gained international fame for their ingenuity and personality: Mr. Trash Wheel at Harbor East and Professor Trash Wheel , visible from the course on Boston Street in Canton, each has a giant googly eye and their own Twitter accounts.
The water- and solar-powered trash collectors of Baltimore's Waterfront Partnership, part of the Healthy Harbor initiative, have gained international recognition for their ingenuity and personality.

Mr. Trash Wheel, the eldest of the Baltimore trash family, celebrated his birthday this weekend with a big trash party. The wide-eyed, debris-gobbling water wheel was installed in the Inner Harbor in 2014. Since then, more than 2,300 tons of trash have been diverted from Baltimore's waterways by Mr. Trash Wheel and his trash-loving relatives. There is even a new coffee blend from Zeke's Coffee dark and light roast combined with notes of fruit and nuts to punch it up.

Cleaning in Lafayette Square

Baltimore Ravens and M&T Bank staff are volunteering to help clean up the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood. About 50 people are expected to participate in trash picking, gardening, weeding, tree planting, mosaic making and more in the Lafayette Square community.

Install solar panels in parking lots

The University of Maryland Medical System will install solar-powered parking canopies at three of its locations, including two in Linthicum. The project “is expected to generate 27,000,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy and generate more than $12 million in savings in electricity and parking lot maintenance costs over a 10-year period,” UMMS said in a press release Friday. The solar canopy project will begin this fall with energy production expected by mid-2026.

Planting vegetables on a working farm

CIvicWorks Baltimore Conservation Leadership Corps students and staff lay down a bed of wood chips while building a handicap-accessible trail at the Real Food Farm in Clifton Park.

Jerry Jackson/Baltimore Sun

Civic Works Baltimore Conservation Leadership Corps students and staff lay down a bed of wood chips while building a handicap-accessible trail at the Real Food Farm in Clifton Park.

Enjoy an outdoor happy hour with drinks and snacks at Civic Works Real Food Farm in Lake Clifton, which aims to combat the city's food deserts. Visitors will be able to tour the farm, meet producers and plant vegetables. Tickets are required, but entry is free. Since its inception, Real Food Farm has grown more than 60,000 pounds of food, according to the organization.

Register for free trees

Baltimore County residents can sign up for a free tree or two, courtesy of the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development to celebrate another environmentally friendly holiday: Arbor Day, which takes place on Friday. Approximately 1,200 trees are available to those who register in advance, while supplies last. Redbud, red maple, scarlet oak, black gum and sycamore are among the varieties available for picking this weekend at Benjamin Banneker Park and Museum in Catonsville.

The Associated Press contributed to this article.




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