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Decoding politics: PM Modi warns Congress people eyeing your wealth. What does the Cong manifesto say | News from the political pulse

Decoding politics: PM Modi warns Congress people eyeing your wealth.  What does the Cong manifesto say |  News from the political pulse


A day after triggering a political backlash by declaring that a Congress government would distribute the country's wealth among the infiltrators and those who have more childrenSuggesting that the party meant Muslims, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday reiterated that the opposition party and the INDIA bloc were eyeing people's income and property.

Addressing a rally in Aligarh, he said: Congress Shehzad says we will investigate who earns how much, how much property you own, how much money you have, how many houses you own. He further says that the government will take possession of this property and distribute it to everyone… Our mothers and sisters have gold. It is stri dhan, it is considered sacred, the law also protects it. Their eyes are glued to your mangalsutra.

The Congress, which disputed the Prime Minister's claims that the party said so in its manifesto, said it would approach the Election Commission demanding action against Modi. He also said that his leader Mallikarjun Kharge had requested a meeting with Modi to “educate” him about the Congress manifesto.

So, what does the Congress manifesto, released as 'Nyay Patra', say?

The Congress manifesto makes no specific mention of wealth redistribution but promises that, if voted to power, the party will address growing wealth and income inequality through appropriate policy changes. The manifesto's first chapter, titled Equity, considers caste discrimination as a reality and asserts that although OBCs, SCs and STs constitute almost 70 percent of India's population, their representation in high-ranking professions, services and businesses Rank is disproportionately low.

He then promises to conduct a nationwide socio-economic and caste census to enumerate castes and sub-castes and their socio-economic conditions and says that based on the data, we will strengthen the affirmative action program .

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On minorities, he says economic empowerment of minorities is a necessary step for India to realize its full potential and promises to ensure that banks provide institutional credit to minorities without discrimination.

In addition, he said, we will ensure that minorities receive their fair share of opportunities in education, health care, public employment, public works contracts, skills development, sporting and cultural activities, without discrimination.

Why did the Prime Minister suggest that Rahul Gandhi was talking about investigating people's properties?

Rahul has often spoken about the need to organize a caste census followed by economic mapping, including during this election campaign. On March 9, he posted a tweet claiming that the caste survey conducted in Bihar revealed that 88% of the poor are from Dalit, tribal, backward and minority communities, adding: The figures from Bihar are just a little overview of the situation. true image of the country. We do not even have the slightest idea of ​​the conditions in which the poor population of the country lives. This is why we are going to take two historic steps in caste counting, economic mapping, based on which we will remove the 50 per cent cap on reservations.

The same month, during his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, Rahul promised to hold financial and economic surveys after a caste census if the Congress was voted to power. “The caste census and the economic and financial surveys…these are revolutionary measures. The Congress will include them in our manifesto, he said at a rally in Maharashtra's Nandurbar tribal district on March 12.

On April 6, releasing the Congress manifesto in Hyderabad, Rahul said a caste census would enable backward classes, Dalits, tribals and the poor among the general castes, as well as minorities, to know what is their share in this country (this is the main bagidaari kitni hai).

He added: We will then organize a financial and institutional investigation. Let us find out in whose hands the wealth of India is in the hands of which class. And after this historic step, we will begin the work of revolution… If your right is granted to you, we will work to grant it to you. (We will find out who owns the country's wealth, what class of people. And after this historic step, we will take revolutionary measures… What is your right, we will make sure to obtain it for you).

Did Rahul also talk about income inequality earlier?

The Congress leader constantly talks about the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, notably the Adani and Ambani groups, under the Modi government.




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