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Banker who worked with Michael Cohen to testify at Trump trial | Donald Trump trial

Banker who worked with Michael Cohen to testify at Trump trial |  Donald Trump trial


Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York enters its third week Tuesday morning with additional testimony from a private banker who last week described financial maneuvers linked to the alleged plan to capture and kill the former president.

The trial was adjourned Friday for a week following Gary Farro's testimony. In 2015, Farro became Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's contact at First Republic Bank. His testimony lifted the veil on Cohen's financial chicanery to protect his then boss.

Prosecutors say Trump, Cohen and tabloid honcho David Pecker conspired in the summer of 2015 to bury stories that could damage Trump's GOP presidential bid. Cohen, who allegedly made a secret payment of $130,000 to adult film star Stormy Daniels, sought to open accounts in October 2016 for two new LLCs.

These investigations followed the October 7, 2016 release of a hot mic recording in which Trump bragged about groping women and Cohen learned a day later that Daniels had filed a complaint about an alleged affair extramarital affair with Trump, prosecutors say.

Cohen invested his own money in one of the LLCs, Essential Consultants, which transferred money to Daniel's lawyer, so that she would not make his account public. Cohen allegedly created LLCs to facilitate discreet payments without candidates' fingerprints because Trump's campaign feared additional accounts of boorish behavior would hurt its chances in the general election, prosecutors said.

Farro's testimony came after longtime Trump aide Rhona Graff took the stand. Graff told jurors she saw Daniels in the 26th floor reception area of ​​Trump Towers sometime before the 2016 election.

Before Graff's brief testimony, Pecker testified. Over the course of three days, Pecker described his agreement with Trump and Cohen to report any negative stories to them before they broke. At the time, Pecker headed American Media Inc (AMI), owner of the National Enquirer.

“Based on our mutual agreement in August 2015, any story regarding Mr. Trump that would be very embarrassing, I would like to speak to Michael Cohen immediately,” Pecker said in the final hours of his testimony. If he heard it from anyone else, he would go crazy.

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Pecker testified that AMI paid Playboy model Karen McDougal $150,000 in August 2016, to cover up her story about an alleged affair with Trump. When asked by the prosecution if his goal in paying for McDougal's story was to influence the election, Pecker said yes.




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