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Sunak has the illusion of believing that his failed project in Rwanda can save him

Sunak has the illusion of believing that his failed project in Rwanda can save him


Like a cowboy builder sinking his teeth into unforeseen complications at work, Rishi Sunak has just pushed back another deadline. The prime minister was supposed to provide flights to Rwanda this spring, but has now given himself until July. And that's not even the main job. The real grand design he is supposed to be working towards is stopping the boats.

For Labor, a draw on this issue would be a favorable result

If sending irregular migrants to Rwanda helps achieve that, so much the better, but it would be remiss not to point out that illegal arrivals via cross-Channel dinghies have increased this year, more than reversing limited, wind-aided progress . in 2023.

Sunak's decidedly hard-hitting performance at a press conference this morning was surely aimed at getting him through Thursday's local elections next week. If Labor peers had not spent weeks delaying the bill in the House of Lords to try to completely block these flights, we would have started this process weeks ago, he claimed.

Even though his timetable had already turned to dust, Sunak was once again unequivocal: no foreign court would be allowed to stand in the way. An airfield had been put on standby and slots reserved with commercial charter planes. No ifs, no buts, these flights are going to Rwanda, he said.

Since the Rwandan project was launched by Boris Johnson and Priti Patel on April 14, 2022, no one has lost money or credibility by predicting its failure. Two years later, opponents on the left and right continue to put their chips on the red.

Nigel Farage led the way, telling GB News: I promise you, not a single person will go to Rwanda. It's a complete charade.

In an article for the Today's telegraphLabor Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has previously called the Rwanda expulsion plan a gimmick distracting everyone from the serious policies we need to tackle the problem. Judging by the overwhelming reader comments, many noted that his own approach to combating illegal immigration was so threadbare that it made The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists seem like a catalog of luxury interiors. The only way Labor can stop the boats is to grant them all asylum from France, one correspondent brilliantly observed.

Yet there is no doubt that public support for the Rwandan plan has waned after two years of predictable legal setbacks and missed deadlines. For the Labor Party, a zero result on this issue, in the sense that the public has no confidence in the approach of either major party, would be a favorable result, allowing it to emerge unscathed from its weakest party.

Farage's justification for being sure no one will be sent is based on the fact that the Human Rights Act has already incorporated the standards set in Strasbourg into UK law. British judges should therefore rule in favor of those who appeal against their return to Kigali, he believes.

In his place, I wouldn't be entirely sure that no one would be fired. This sets a very low bar for Sunak to prove him wrong. But what is now clear is that the Rwandan plan will not provide a lasting deterrent on a sufficient scale to stop the boats.

Running in the next election when it has only just started and with no evidence of failure yet is probably the best thing things can get for Sunak. In this case, my own money would be used with an even greater delay.

A few sparsely populated flights of a few dozen migrants who, through negligence, failed to hire sufficiently savvy lawyers could take off around September. But they will come back when Labor ends this whole project.




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