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Imran Khan will make his comeback with Vir Das' directorial debut Happy Patel; Details inside

Imran Khan will make his comeback with Vir Das' directorial debut Happy Patel;  Details inside


Imran Khan will make his comeback with the film Happy Patel directed by Vir Das.

After much anticipation and wait, Imran Khan is all set to make his comeback with a project which will be bankrolled by Aamir Khan and directed by Vir Das.

Imran Khan is gearing up to make his comeback to Bollywood after a nine-year hiatus, marking a significant moment in his career. Through a report by, it has been revealed that Imran is embarking on a new chapter in his professional journey, alongside his maternal uncle and mentor, Aamir Khan. Aamir played a pivotal role in Imran's early career, introducing him to audiences as a child actor in Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak in 1988 and then as the leading man in Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na in 2008.

After almost eight months of speculation about his return to the big screen, Imran has officially confirmed his comeback plans. He is set to play the character of Happy Patel in an animated comedy produced by Aamir Khan Productions. Described as a laugh riot, the film embraces a mix of familiar elements and a unique and refreshing setting reminiscent of Imran's past works. According to an industry insider, the shooting of this much-awaited film has already started in Goa.

The source revealed that Imran has finally locked down his comeback plan, almost eight months after he hinted at the possibility of returning to films last year. He will star in and portray Happy Patel in a quirky comedy produced by Aamir Khan Productions. The film is a laugh riot and takes place in a familiar but uniquely fresh world, reminiscent of Imran's previous works. The shooting has already started in Goa.

Vir Das, known for his role in the 2011 hit black comedy Delhi Belly, takes the director's chair for the first time with this film, marking a new chapter in his career after 17 years of acting career. While he has already worked on a new web series as director and showrunner, this next film will be his debut in directing a feature film. Mona Singh, known for her performances in popular films like 3 Idiots and Laal Singh Chaddha, plays an important role in the film. The casting of the female lead still remains a mystery, while there are rumors of Aamir Khan making an appearance, although official confirmation is pending.

Happy Patel became Imran's chosen comeback effort after his initially planned web series with Abbas Tyrewala was shelved. The web series was supposed to feature Imran as an intelligence officer in a Disney+Hotstar spy thriller centered on the world of South Asian counter-espionage. However, due to the merger between Reliance Industries and The Walt Disney Company, the project was postponed, much to Imran's relief. He expressed satisfaction with the cancellation, stating his preference for not depicting characters who rely on guns to solve problems. Happy Patel seems to be the perfect project for Imran's comeback, promising viewers a delightful and engaging experience similar to the charm of his previous hit films that continue to resonate with audiences today.

Imran Khan's upcoming film marks the latest addition to Aamir Khan Productions' intriguing line-up of projects. After the success of Laapataa Ladies, which recently premiered on Netflix after a well-received theatrical release, the production house is coming up with four more exciting films. These include RS Prasanna's Sitare Zameen Par starring Aamir and Genelia Deshmukh, Rajkumar Santoshi: Lahore 1947 starring Sunny Deol, Sunil Pandey's Pritam Pyare starring Sanjay Mishra and Neeraj Sood, and Junaid Khan's remake of One Day starring Sai Pallavi.

Yatamanyu NarainYatamanyu Narain, sub-editor at, works with the entertainment team. From covering breaking news to interviewing prominent faces from…Read more




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