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The lawyer who negotiated the deal with Stormy Daniels seemed shocked that Trump won: What did we do? | Donald Trump trial

The lawyer who negotiated the deal with Stormy Daniels seemed shocked that Trump won: What did we do?  |  Donald Trump trial


As Donald Trump's presidential victory became increasingly clear on election night in 2016, a lawyer who negotiated secret payments to bury the then-candidates' alleged sexual liaisons seemed shocked that his efforts had worked, sending a text to his longtime confidant: What have we done?

So went the second day of testimony from Keith Davidson, who represented Trump's alleged lovers, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, at the ex-president's criminal trial. The friend in question was Dylan Howard, then editor of the National Enquirer. Prosecutors say the tabloid veteran kept Trump's then-lawyer Michael Cohen aware of damaging information about his boss.

Davidson described this phrasing as gallows humor about how our activities could have somehow helped Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

Howard responded to the text with: Oh my God.

Manhattan state prosecutors say Cohen paid Daniels to keep quiet and coordinated a payment to McDougal through National Enquirers parent company American Media Inc to help Trump's chances in the elections. Trump is on trial in New York on charges of falsifying business records for allegedly listing reimbursements to Cohen as legal expenses in company filings.

In addition to being a first-hand account of the alleged reward scheme, Davidson's time on the stand served to corroborate the expected testimony of Cohen, who went from being Trump's consigliere to star witness for the prosecution . Trump's lawyers have already signaled they will aggressively attack Cohen's credibility during his testimony, portraying him as a liar with an ax to defend.

The prosecution's questioning of Davidson appeared to be a preemptive strike against this defense strategy. Indeed, Davidson's comments exposed problems with Cohen's credibility before Trump's lawyers could lay them out before jurors.

Steinglass, for example, asked Davidson if he continued to communicate with Cohen after the election. Davidson recalled a particularly heated phone call in 2016.

Damn, can you believe I'm not going to Washington?

After everything I've done for this fucking guy, I can't believe I'm not going to Washington.

I saved this guy so many times you don't even know it, Davidson recalled of Cohen's call. He said I never even got paid. This fucking guy won't even pay me back the $130,000.

During cross-examination, Trump lawyer Emil Bove attempted to undermine Cohen's credibility through Davidson's recollections. Bove asked about Cohen's behavior in late 2016.

A discouraged Cohen thought he might have become Trump's chief of staff, only to find himself out of the picture, Davidson recalled.

I thought he was going to kill himself.

Bove also questioned Davidson about his legal dealings linked to other former A- and B-listers, such as Hulk Hogan, Charlie Sheen and Tila Tequila, a Playboy model turned born-again Christian who allegedly flirted with the ideologies of far right. In an obvious effort to make Davidson appear declassed, Bove also asked whether Hustler editor Larry Flynt had offered to compensate Daniels if she spoke out against Trump.

Before Davidson's testimony, prosecutors once again asked Juan Merchan to punish Trump for even more alleged violations of the hush order; the four alleged cases involve two comments about Cohen, one about the jury and one about David Pecker. Thursday morning's hearing came two days after the lawyer fined Trump $9,000 for other violations of the hush order. Merchan barred Trump from attacking witnesses or jurors in the case.

The order was issued because of the defendants' persistent and escalating rhetoric against participants in that hearing, Trump attorney Christopher Conroy said. Conroy said prosecutors are not seeking jail time at this time, to avoid delaying proceedings, but are seeking fines.

Todd Blanche complained that Trump was unfairly disadvantaged because of the gag order. He argued that his client is after all a presidential candidate and that Joe Biden is capable of saying whatever he wants on this matter.

Judge, last weekend, President Trump's rival, President Biden, said in a public forum that he had spoken about this trial and he had spoken about a witness who would participate in this trial. He mocked President Trump. He said Donald had had a few rough days lately, you could call it stormy weather, Blanche said.

President Trump can't respond the way he wants because of the gag order, Blanche said, adding, “The stormy weather was an obvious reference to Stormy Daniels.”

Everyone can say whatever they want except President Trump, Blanche said later.

Merchan seemed unmoved by this argument. They are not defendants in this case, he said, emphasizing that non-defendants like Biden are not bound by his silence order. Mercan has not yet made a decision on the prosecutor's request.

Davidson's first day on the stand Tuesday also featured colorful testimony about how deals with McDougal and Daniels were made in 2016. Prosecutors are using his testimony to help jurors understand the mechanics of Trump's efforts to pay the women and convince the jurors that it was done. in the service of his campaign.

Davidson described his difficulties convincing Cohen to wire the $130,000 he had agreed to pay Daniels after weeks of delays. When asked why he thought Cohen was delaying payment, Davidson said: I thought he was trying to delay the can until after the election.




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