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Al Jazeera ceases broadcasts following government order DW 05/05/2024

Al Jazeera ceases broadcasts following government order DW 05/05/2024


The Al Jazeera television channel was shut down in Israel on Sunday after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet voted to suspend the channel's operations.

This decision follows a law commonly known as the “Al Jazeera law” adopted by the Israeli Knesset which authorizes the closure of foreign channels considered to pose a security threat in the context of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

“My government has unanimously decided: the hate-mongering channel Al Jazeera will close its doors in Israel,” Netanyahu posted on X, formerly Twitter.

Al Jazeera on Sunday again rejected Israel's accusations that its reporting on Gaza was biased.

“The Netanyahu government has decided, in a very misleading and slanderous manner, to approve the order to close Al Jazeera's offices in Israel,” the channel said.

He called the decision a “criminal act” that violates the human right to access information.

“We confirm that we will pursue all steps with international and legal organizations to protect our rights and our crews,” he added without further details.

What we know about the ban

Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi said on X that the order would take effect immediately.

According to Israeli media, the order may suspend broadcasting in the country for 45 days. It also allows authorities to confiscate broadcast equipment.

Al Jazeera's English correspondent in Israel, Imran Khan, said that in addition to the TV channel, the website was also blocked.

He added that devices used to provide content to Al Jazeera were also banned, meaning his phone could be confiscated if he used it to gather information.

“This is a wide-ranging ban and we do not know how long it will be in effect,” he added, according to his statement on Al Jazeera's website.

“The context of this decision is neither professional nor journalistic… it is political,” said Waleed Omari, Al Jazeera bureau chief in Israel and the Palestinian territories, adding that the channel was preparing a legal response.

Israeli police raid Al Jazeera offices in Jerusalem (journalist Balig Sladeen)

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Israel's relationship with the Qatari channel

Israel has tense relations with the Qatar-based news agency, which has intensively covered the ongoing war in Gaza, with a particular focus on the Palestinian side.

Al Jazeera, one of the few media outlets to continue operating in Gaza since October 7, has broadcast images and videos of deadly airstrikes and crowded hospitals under Israeli fire.

Israel accused the network of working with Hamas.

Qatar, which owns the network, was involved in mediating a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, a Palestinian militant group considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States, Germany and others. other countries.

Netanyahu pushes to close Al Jazeera TV's Israeli bureau

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Many journalists were killed in Gaza during the Israeli military offensive, including several who worked for Al Jazeera.

The death of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in May 2022 sparked global outrage. She was working for the network during an Israeli raid on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank when she was shot dead.

Al Jazeera blamed the Israeli army for the death and took the case to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Israel rejected the accusation.

eu/sms (Reuters, AP, AFP)




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