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Imran Khan shot in leg in assassination attempt in Pakistan

Imran Khan shot in leg in assassination attempt in Pakistan


Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was shot in the leg in what his supporters said was an assassination attempt.

According to local news channels, shots were fired near the convoy of Mr Khan, 70, as he led a protest march in Wazirabad, in the eastern province of Punjab.

The former Prime Minister thus attempted to call early elections after being dismissed from office in April.

Mr Khan was quickly evacuated from the scene and taken to hospital. According to his supporters, he suffered a gunshot wound just above the foot, although this was later confirmed to be a minor injury. One of his supporters was killed by the gunman.

The shooting occurred in Wazirabad in the eastern province of Punjab. (News from the sky)

“A man opened fire with an automatic weapon. Several people were injured. Imran Khan is also injured,” party official Asad Umar said at the time.

Authorities later said Mr Khan was safe and had been taken to hospital.

A suspect was immediately arrested at the scene and police later released a video of him in custody, in which he allegedly confessed to the shooting and claimed to have acted alone.

It is not clear under what conditions he made his statement in which he said that only Imran Khan was my target. »

District police officer Ghazanfar Ali said one person was killed and nine others injured in the attack.

The shooting was an “assassination attempt”, said a spokesman for Mr Khan's Tehreek-e-Insaf party. He added that “this was an attack on the whole of Pakistan” and promised that the people would take revenge.

The attack sparked fresh concerns about growing political instability in Pakistan since Mr Khan was ousted in a no-confidence vote in Parliament in April.

Commenting on the incident, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: The attack on Imran Khan and his supporters is completely unacceptable and I strongly condemn this violence. This has no place in politics, in any democracy or in our society.

I wish a speedy recovery to Imran and everyone who was injured today.

I am deeply concerned by these reports coming out of Pakistan. No political leader should ever face violence or intimidation. My prayers are with Imran Khan and the people of Pakistan during this extremely difficult time

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan (@MayorofLondon) November 3

Since being removed from office, Mr Khan has made a series of speeches across the country. At the time of the incident, he had been walking from Lahore to Islamabad for six days.

Among the injured was Faisal Javed, a Tehreek-e-Insaf politician. In a video statement, with bloodstained clothes, he said the attack would not stop Mr Khan's protest march to Islamabad.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif condemned the shooting and ordered the interior minister to launch an immediate investigation.

Mr Sharif's government, however, said there would be no early voting and that the next elections would take place in 2023, as planned.

Mr Khan came to power in 2018, promising to break Pakistan's pattern of family rule.

Parliament's no-confidence vote in April that ousted Mr. Khan ended months of political turmoil and a constitutional crisis that required Supreme Court intervention after nearly four years in office.




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