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Prime Minister's rare jab at Naveen Patnaik

Prime Minister's rare jab at Naveen Patnaik


PM Modi is in Odisha to campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha and state elections

Behrampur (Odisha):

Plunder by the Congress and then the Biju Janata Dal for over seven decades after Independence has kept resource-rich Odisha poor, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today at a gathering in Behrampur. The Prime Minister was campaigning for the BJP ahead of the state elections in Odisha which are being held alongside the general elections.

“Odisha has water, fertile land, minerals, long coastline, history, culture, God has given so much. But why are the people of Odisha poor? The answer to this question is looting, first by Congress leaders and then by BJD leaders Even small BJD leaders have big bungalows,” he said.

In a rare attack on BJD leader and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, the Prime Minister asked at a rally in Ganjam why workers from his constituency, Hinjili, are migrating to other states. “Why are doctors' positions vacant in most hospitals here? Why do most children drop out of school?” he asked, pointing out that he never hesitated to provide budget to Odisha for development works.

Taking a dig at the previous Manmohan Singh government, the Prime Minister said, “When Sonia Gandhi's remote-controlled government was in power at the Center for 10 years and Manmohan Singh was Prime Minister, Odisha got Rs 1 lakh crore in 10 years . Modi gave 3.5 million rupees in 10 years, but money alone does not guarantee work. »

The Prime Minister said that the Odisha government does not care about the welfare of women. “The Center provides assistance of Rs 6,000 to every pregnant woman. You will be surprised that the Odisha government has suspended this important scheme,” he said.

“The Center sent Rs 10,000 crore for the Jal Jeevan Mission. The government here could not even spend that money. Modi is sending money to build roads in rural areas, but the roads here are in poor condition. Modi sends money for free rice, BJD government pastes its own photo on the packets,” the PM said.

The Prime Minister said that the people of Odisha were determined to vote for the BJP. “June 4 is the expiry date of the BJD government. BJP is the sun of new opportunities for Odisha,” he said. He also praised the Odisha unit of the BJP for presenting a “visionary” manifesto.

A friendly fight?

The political battle for the 21 Lok Sabha seats and 147 Assembly seats in Odisha is an interesting one, mainly because of the nature of the campaign. Unlike high-profile political attacks and counterattacks in other non-BJP-ruled states, the BJP and its top leaders are visibly restrained in their targeting of Naveen Patnaik, who has been the chief minister of Odisha for nearly 25 years now.

Behind this measured campaign is the BJD's crucial support for the NDA on several controversial laws that helped it overcome hurdles in Parliament. Despite not being part of the BJP-led alliance, Mr. Patnaik's party has provided timely support on issues such as the Citizenship Amendment Act and the Public Services Bill. Delhi.

In fact, the BJP and BJD had almost finalized a tie-up before the elections before changing plans at the last moment. A few months ago, the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of Odisha exchanged eulogies at an official reception. While Prime Minister Modi called Mr. Patnaik a “people's” chief minister, he responded by saying that the prime minister had “set a new direction for India” and “committed India to an accelerated journey to make it an economic power.”




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