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With bright tents and dark ambiance, British students show solidarity with their American peers

With bright tents and dark ambiance, British students show solidarity with their American peers


By Hollie Adams

OXFORD (Reuters) – British students set up pro-Palestinian protest encampments on the historic campuses of Oxford and Cambridge universities on a cloudy spring day on Monday in a show of solidarity with their American peers.

By early morning, students had erected dozens of brightly colored tents on the lawns outside the relatively drab yellow, 19th-century neo-Gothic Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

Outside the camps, some of which flew the black, white and green Palestinian flag, the students said they were joining 100 universities around the world to protest Israel's war in Gaza, which has so far killed more than 34,700 Palestinians.

Images of protests in Britain contrasted sharply with shocking scenes over the past two weeks in the United States, where riot police wielding batons and flash grenades dispersed and arrested hundreds of demonstrators.

There was no visible police presence at the protest in Oxford, according to a Reuters photographer at the scene.

The protests at Columbia University in New York, which attracted national attention, inspired similar demonstrations at dozens of universities across the United States and elsewhere, with students calling for a ceasefire and demanding that their schools divest from companies with ties to Israel.

“The reason we are doing this style of protest now is because solidarity is so important in every movement,” Rosy Wilson, 19, a student at Oxford University, said in an interview.

By replicating the student protests in America, “we are showing a united force where we are united with them, we are united with Gaza and we are united with this movement all over the world,” she added.

An Oxford University spokesman said the university, which has many alumni including prime ministers Margaret Thatcher and Boris Johnson and authors Oscar Wilde and JRR Tolkien, was aware of the protest.

“We respect the right of our students and staff to freedom of expression in the form of peaceful protest,” the spokesperson said. “We ask that everyone who participates does so with respect, courtesy and empathy… There is no place for intolerance at the University of Oxford.”




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