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Erdogan opens Byzantine church to Muslim faithful

Erdogan opens Byzantine church to Muslim faithful


ISTANBUL: Turkiye on Monday reopened a mosque converted from a former Orthodox church in Istanbul to Muslim worship, four years after the president ordered its transformation.

The Kariye Mosque was once a Byzantine church, then a mosque and then a museum. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ordered in 2020 that the building be converted into a Muslim place of worship.

His decision follows an equally controversial decision regarding the UNESCO-protected Hagia Sophia, a cathedral in Istanbul that was transformed into a mosque and then a museum, before becoming a mosque again.

The changes were seen as part of Erdogan's efforts to galvanize his more conservative and nationalist supporters. But they also exacerbated tensions with the prelates of the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Erdogan declared the reopening of the Kariye Mosque for remote worship in a ceremony at the presidential palace in the capital, Ankara, on Monday. A photo from the mosque shows a worshiper waving a Turkish flag in front of the congregation who were performing prayers on a brick-red carpet Monday afternoon. The images also revealed that two mosaics carved into the walls of the ancient church, on the right and left sides of the prayer hall, were covered with curtains. However, most of the mosaics and frescoes remained visible to visitors.

I had the opportunity to visit the place before and was initially a little afraid of the work that could have been carried out, said Michel, a French tourist, who did not want to give his full name.

But ultimately we must recognize that it is well done, that the frescoes are accessible to everyone, believes the 31-year-old researcher. The 2020 decision to convert the building angered neighboring Greece, which called the move another provocation against religious people around the world. The Holy Savior of Chora was a Byzantine church decorated with 14th-century frescoes of the Last Judgment that are still cherished by Christians. The church was transformed into the Kariye Mosque half a century after the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 by the Ottoman Turks.

It became the Kariye Museum after World War II, when Turkey sought to create a more secular republic from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. A group of art historians from the United States helped restore the church's original mosaics and they were put on public display in 1958.

Published in Dawn, May 7, 2024




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