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Xi Jinping's European visit takes him to his allies, Hungary and Serbia

Xi Jinping's European visit takes him to his allies, Hungary and Serbia


After France and its muted criticism, Xi Jinping continues his European tour with a visit to two countries considered safe ground. The Chinese president chose to honor with his presence first Serbia on Tuesday May 7 and Wednesday May 8, then Hungary until Friday. The two countries have limited demographic and economic weight, but their leaders, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, use rhetoric that is very critical of the West and which appeals to the Chinese.

No criticism of human rights in China, Chinese trade policy or Beijing's support for Moscow is to be expected during these four days in Belgrade and Budapest. On the contrary, Vucic intends to celebrate what he describes as the “steel friendship” between Serbia and China, while Orban wants to defend his Hungarian “open policy” at a time when “our sales market the most natural » [Western Europe] “China can count on Hungary”, because the government rejects any effort that would exclude Chinese products from the European market in a form of “protectionism”, promised the Hungarian Minister of the Economy, Marton Nagy, before his visit, in response to threats. European trade retaliation against China's economic subsidy policy.

Serbia and Hungary hope that the visit will lead to concrete announcements in terms of investments. Vucic explained that he would ask the Chinese president to help him revive railway production in his country as well as investments in advanced technologies. Hungarian media are speculating that Chinese automaker Great Wall Motors will build a new Chinese electric vehicle factory near the southern town of Pecs. Xi could also announce the construction of a railway between Budapest airport and the center of the capital.

Major investments

In just a few years, Hungary's resolutely pro-Beijing policy has made the country the leading European destination for Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers. “Compared to other countries in the region, such as the Czech Republic and Poland, Chinese companies appreciate Hungary for its 20 years of good relations with China,” explained Agnes Szunomar, director of the Institute of Global Studies from Corvinus University of Budapest.

Learn more Subscribers only Hungary wants to win the European electric car race

The world's leading battery manufacturer, China's Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL), has set up its second and largest European factory in the eastern Hungarian city of Debrecen, which will supply major European automakers present in the region. Chinese multinational electric car giant BYD announced in December 2023 that it would follow suit in the southern city of Szeged. These investments will generate thousands of jobs in this central European country, whose economy has until now mainly depended on the German automobile industry. Szunomar believes that “these factories should also make it possible to circumvent possible trade barriers”, if Brussels decided to increase customs duties on vehicles produced in China.

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