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Chinese head of state Xi Jinping arrives in Budapest

Chinese head of state Xi Jinping arrives in Budapest


Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Budapest on Wednesday for what can be described as a historic visit, marking the first visit by a Chinese head of state to Hungary. in 20 years.

Earlier, Foreign Minister Pter Szijjrt announced that the Chinese president's delegation would include Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Finance Minister Lan Foan and Commerce Minister Wang Wentao.

Xi Jinping was met by Prime Minister Viktor Orbn. Photo: MTI/Minister Sajtiroda/Benko Vivien Cher

Sixteen agreements are expected to be signed during the three-day visit, with two more still under discussion between the parties.

In a personal letter of greetings to the Hungarians published by Hungarian nation, President Xi Jinping highlighted the long-standing friendship between the Chinese and Hungarian people, recalling the establishment of diplomatic relations 75 years ago. He stressed the principles of mutual respect, equal treatment, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, highlighting the importance of Hungary as an important trading partner and the main destination for Chinese investments in Central and Eastern Europe.

President Xi expressed hope that his visit would further deepen the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries, thereby elevating their comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (right) with Xi Jinping (left) during the Chinese head of state's visit to Serbia, May 8, 2024. Photo: Facebook / Aleksandar Vucic

Earlier in the week, Hungarian Foreign Minister Pter Szijjrt highlighted the importance of investment and trade with the East for competitiveness and growth during a speech in Uzbekistan's capital, Tashkent. He highlighted the changing economic landscape, with significant growth increasingly occurring in the East rather than the West, citing China as a prime example. Minister Szijjrt highlighted the need for effective cooperation with Eastern partners, particularly China, as crucial to maintaining competitiveness and fostering growth.

He warned against bloc formation and stressed the importance of connectivity in the face of global challenges.

Pter Szijjrt highlighted the critical situation in Europe, citing war, high inflation and other challenges exacerbated by poor economic decisions, sanctions and embargoes. He highlighted the growing importance of interdependence and civilized East-West cooperation, emphasizing that major economic growth is now occurring in the East.

The minister reiterated Hungary's long-standing cooperation with Central Asia, emphasizing its early recognition of the region's importance despite initial criticism. Overall, he stressed the importance of fostering strong cooperation with Eastern partners to address global challenges and ensure Hungary's competitiveness and growth.

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Via MTI, Hungarian Nation; The featured image: MTI/Koszticsk Szilrd




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