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One year since the May 9 riots in Pakistan: a timeline of political upheaval | Imran Khan News

One year since the May 9 riots in Pakistan: a timeline of political upheaval |  Imran Khan News



Nationwide riots on that dark day last year sparked a months-long political crisis that saw former Prime Minister Imran Khan jailed and a crackdown on his party.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has planned rallies across the country on Thursday to mark the first anniversary of the arrest of its leader and former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Khan, a cricketer-turned-politician, was arrested on this day last year, sparking a months-long political crisis that saw the PTI leader jailed again in August on several serious charges and a government crackdown on his party.

Khan, 71, remains involved in a series of cases in which he was convicted and is currently incarcerated in Adiala prison in the city of Rawalpindi.

Here is a recap of the events leading up to Khan's arrest on May 9, 2023, and key events that have occurred since:


April 10: Khan loses a vote of no confidence in Parliament, forcing him out of power. He alleges a U.S.-backed conspiracy to fire him. His rival Shehbaz Sharif, from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) party, becomes prime minister. The United States has denied any role in Khan's removal from power.

October 21: The Election Commission of Pakistan disqualifies Khan as an MP after finding him guilty of corrupt practices, two months after his indictment in the state gifts case, which concerns the alleged sale of gifts he received from foreign countries while he was in power.

November 3: An assassination attempt is made against Khan while he leads a demonstration in the town of Wazirabad, in the Punjab province, to demand early elections.


May 9: Khan is arrested in a corruption case while appearing in a court in the capital Islamabad, sparking nationwide protests by his supporters who accuse the military of orchestrating the arrest . The military has consistently denied any role in Khan's legal or political troubles.

A man throws a tear gas grenade during clashes in Karachi on May 10, 2023. [File: Shahzaib Akber/EPA]

May 11: Amid deadly PTI-led protests, Pakistan's Supreme Court rules Khan's arrest illegal and orders his immediate release.

May 17: Authorities say Khan hid May 9 rioters at his Lahore residence. Pakistan's National Security Committee approves military decision to try arrested protesters in military courts.

August 5: Police arrest Khan in Lahore after an Islamabad court sentenced him to three years in prison for illegal sale of state gifts.

August 6: Pakistan's Election Committee bans Khan from politics for five years after his conviction in the state gifts case.

August 9: President Arif Alvi dissolves the country's National Assembly, the lower house of Parliament, paving the way for elections.

August 14: A caretaker government takes office under the leadership of Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar.

August 20: Khan's close aide and former foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, is arrested in the state secrets or encrypted codes case which refers to the leak of a secret diplomatic cable, according to Khan, proves his accusation that the United States was involved in his removal from power.

October 21: Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, elder brother of Shehbaz Sharif, returns to Pakistan after his exile in the United Kingdom. A few days after his arrival, the Islamabad High Court granted him bail in several corruption cases.

October 24: A five-member bench of the Supreme Court declares the military trial of civilians in the May 9 cases unconstitutional.

November 21: The Islamabad High Court declares Khan's jail trial illegal, quashing his indictment in the Cypher case.

December 14: A six-member bench of the Supreme Court upholds the government's appeal against its October 24 decision. This allows the May 9 military trial of the accused to continue.


January 13: Khans PTI barred from using the iconic cricket bat symbol for not holding elections within the party. PTI-backed candidates are forced to contest elections as independents.

January 30: Khan is sentenced to 10 years in prison in the Cypher case.

January 31: A Rawalpindi court sentences Khan and his wife, Bushra Bibi, to 14 years in prison in the state gifts case.

February 3: Another court in Rawalpindi sentences Khan and Bibi to seven years in prison, ruling that their marriage violated Islamic law.

February 8: Pakistan holds legislative and provincial elections. The PTI alleges numerous accusations of electoral fraud which the government denies.

February 13: The PMLN and the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), along with other allies, form the government despite the emergence of PTI-backed MPs as the largest bloc in Parliament.

March 11: Police arrest more than 100 PTI supporters protesting against allegations of election fraud.

April 1: The Islamabad High Court suspends the prison sentences of Khan and Bibi in the state gifts case.

May 8: Bibi, who was under house arrest at Khans Bani Gala residence in Islamabad, is transferred to Adiala prison.




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