It's the end of the world as we know it, and Xi Jinping feels good about it |
Story by Pierre Haski
Sergei Savostianov/TASS via ZUMA
PARIS It is not a question of looking for a grand conspiracy or a simple explanation, but one cannot help but be struck by the accumulation of crises in the world: the wars in Ukraine or Gaza, the rise of the extreme right and the polarization of our debates, the hardening of Russia, the tensions with China in Asia. In short, is it a simple coincidence or a certain coherence?
Last year,Vladimir PoutineAndXi JinpingThe two men exchanged a few informal words in front of the cameras during one of their many meetings. The Chinese president told his Russian counterpart: “We are experiencing changes in the world that have not been seen in 100 years, and we are leading these changes together.”
This cryptic phrase caused a stir, as it seemed to give the Sino-Russian couple an excessive attitude.leadership role. But he certainly had an ambition: to emerge from these changes with an international order that would give greater importance to Russia and China.
This is the whole point of the current upheavals.
The system flaw
We live in an international order that was shaped at the end of World War II and which largely bears the imprint of the dominant West. The world has undergone many changes since then:decolonizationthe end of Soviet communism, economic globalization, the emergence of the powers of the South. Yet the world order remains unchanged; and this is precisely what is fracturing today.
These crises are both national and global, and their solutions will be equally so.
It is increasingly complicated in terms of national crises, such as the one we are currently experiencing in France and elsewhere, with the rise of the extreme right. But here again, we are witnessing a painful end to a cycle.
Electoral electroshock
Some of the faults in our society, as in other Western countries, are the result of decades of poorly managed globalization. Offshoring that has produced industrial deserts, social and regional inequalities that are reflected in the electoral map, a feeling of abandonment and decline despite a positive global reality. This is what gave birth to Brexit andDonald Trump in 2016, and this is what we are experiencing today in France.
The conclusion of this brief world tour is that we are in the midst of an epochal change: the end of “Western-centrism.”world of 1945the end of the glorious globalization of the last decades, the end of the illusion of unequal democracies. These crises are both national and global, and their solutions will be just as much so.
There is nothing inevitable about this: last year, Poland and Brazil severed tiespopulist impasseand now the UK is also moving in a different direction. First we need to agree on the diagnosis and the remedies.
Sources 2/ https://www.anixneuseis.gr/its-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-and-xi-feels-fine/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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