Xi Jinping, To Lam strengthen ties during Beijing meeting

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China and its president, recently welcomed To Lam, general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and Vietnamese president, for talks held on August 19, 2024, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.
The meeting is of particular significance as it marks Lam's first overseas trip after being elected general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, reflecting her government's commitment to strengthening ties with its close neighbour.
During their talks, Xi Jinping warmly welcomed Lam and reiterated his congratulations on her recent election, stressing the importance both leaders attach to China-Vietnam relations.
Ms Lam's visit not only symbolises the camaraderie between the two sides, but also underlines the strategic nature of their diplomatic interactions.
During their meeting, Xi highlighted the context of global change, stressing how the two countries have managed to achieve rapid economic growth and social stability, showcasing the strengths of their socialist systems.
He said that “China regards Vietnam as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy” and expressed support for Vietnam's leadership under the Communist Party of Vietnam.
The two leaders stressed the need for cooperation, particularly the need to build mutual political trust and strong security relations amid growing geopolitical tensions.
They discussed consolidation actions such as improving communication channels and high-level exchanges to strengthen their political ties.
Xi Jinping has expressed a desire to cultivate personal friendships with Lam and guide the development of what they call a China-Vietnam community with a shared future.
The two leaders agreed on the importance of holding events to mark the 75th anniversary of China-Vietnam diplomatic relations, including cultural exchanges to enhance public support.
This cultural engagement is seen as essential not only to strengthen ties, but also to address underlying issues in a context of historical sensitivities.
Another key point of discussion was the implementation of cooperation initiatives such as aligning Vietnam's development strategies with China's Belt and Road Initiative.
They identified several potential infrastructure projects to improve connectivity, including the construction and upgrading of railways and ports, which could facilitate trade between the two nations.
To further strengthen their trade ties, Xi and Lam discussed mutual support for key bilateral agreements focusing on various sectors, including industry, finance, health and cultural exchanges.
This multifaceted cooperation demonstrates the determination of the two countries to deepen their economic ties.
On the sensitive South China Sea issue, Xi Jinping called for effective management of disputes, stressing the need for dialogue to peacefully resolve conflicting claims in order to maintain stability.
Vietnam is increasingly assertive about its claims to parts of the South China Sea and seeking to strengthen defense partnerships with countries including the United States and India.
Lam acknowledged Vietnam's historical ties with China, highlighting the past friendship between leaders of the two communist parties as fundamental to their relationship.
During their discussions, Xi Jinping also shared his thoughts on the outcomes of the recent Communist Party plenary session, indicating how China's reforms could provide development opportunities for Vietnam.
The discussion covered areas beyond bilateral relations, with the two countries exploring how they could work together to influence broader regional stability.
Although the two leaders maintain strategic ties, challenges remain, particularly from outside parties interested in tensions in the South China Sea, underscoring the need for nuanced diplomacy.
Through these exchanges, Xi and Lam seek not only to strengthen bilateral cooperation, but also to demonstrate their ability to adapt to constantly changing regional dynamics.
This diplomatic engagement highlights the delicate balance of power and strategic relationships that the two countries maintain as they work together toward common goals.
Overall, the meeting was characterised by expressions of goodwill and concrete plans for future collaboration, as they seek to strengthen their partnership amidst ever-changing global circumstances.
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