Trump wins by teaching Peter Dutton, can teach Anthony Albanese
This may seem like superficial criticism. But the reason they tend to fade, I guess, is because they're not consistent. This is sometimes expressed again, superficially, as if the Labor Party had no history. But another way of putting it is this: there is no story that would make sense of these many mid-sized policies, nor any clear goal toward which they are leading. And here we come to the real divide between Trump and Harris.
Simply put, Trump was the candidate who proposed change: not just within the party but also within existing parties.
structures. His various projects were perhaps ideologically incoherent, even contradictory, but he could not be accused of not having plans: he wanted to reduce immigration, reduce taxes and increase customs tariffs. This substance suited his style, which mixed many factors, including bigotry, but above all made it clear that he was not the same as other politicians. And perhaps the most surprising fact about Harris, ultimately, was how much she was like other politicians: she avoided questions, delivered beige soundbites.
And confused! One criticism of Harris was that she moved away late in the day from a clear economic message to focus on the danger Trump poses to democracy. So I looked for that first clear economic message and couldn't find it. She insulted billionaires by quoting billionaires. She seemed torn between courting and suing businesses.
Peter Dutton is not Donald Trump. And yet it is worth noting the extent to which Dutton, like Trump, has been willing to question the assumptions that govern politics in his country. He has, cynically or absurdly, pursued nuclear energy. He highlighted the possibility of dismantling large supermarkets. Albanese, meanwhile, attacks supermarkets for their high prices but opposes Dutton's policies because they are anti-capitalist. He strives for higher wages, but is seen as close to anti-union figures like Alan Joyce. While voters are
hit by inflation.
To present this lack of clarity in a more flattering light, Albanese essentially delivered on his promise of safe change. And he may still be right strategically. Yet, at the very least, any remaining complacency within Labor ranks should now disappear. Incumbents are in difficulty everywhere. In the United States, a competent but unexciting centrist government, presiding over a decent economy, lost power after just one term to an opponent obsessed with immigration, sound familiar? If voters want change, they will turn to those who offer it. Meanwhile, Labor should turn its attention to the substantive long-term question that underlies the pressing policy question: what change is it actually proposing?
Sean Kelly is an author, regular columnist and former advisor to Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.
Sources 2/ https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/dutton-can-learn-from-trump-s-success-but-so-can-albanese-20241110-p5kpcp.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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