How Xi defends people-to-people exchanges in China and Latin America

BEIJING – “State of good friends, state of old wine”, Chinese President Xi Jinping cited a Brazilian proverb to describe the long-standing friendship between the Chinese and Latin American people, during a speech to the Brazilian National Congress during from a visit to this South American country in 2014. .
This was Xi's first visit to Brazil since becoming Chinese president.
In his speech, he told stories of human exchanges between the two countries. He also cited Brazilian lyricist and novelist Paulo Coelho and mentioned the Brazilian television series Escrava Isaura, which was very popular in China in the 1980s.
“I listened to President Xi's speech to Congress in 2014,” said Fausto Pinato, president of the Brazil-China Parliamentary Front of the Brazilian National Congress. “In addition to the cooperation between the two countries in the diplomatic and commercial fields, he also discussed many topics about Brazilian culture, such as the architecture of Brasilia, the words of President Kubitschek, Brazilian TV series and a Brazilian journalist .”
“His knowledge of Brazil made us proud,” he added.
Cultural exchanges constitute a crucial pillar of interaction between China and Latin America, two great civilizations. Xi has repeatedly stressed that people-to-people friendship is vital for good state-to-state relations.
In fact, while still a local official, Xi was engaged in cooperation between China and Latin America.
In 1996, Xi, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), visited Brazil for the first time. He flew to Fortaleza, the capital of Ceara state in northeastern Brazil, and signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a twin province/state relationship between Fujian province in eastern China, and Ceara.
“I remember spending New Year's Day 1996 on the road… There is a certain coincidence between me and the city,” Xi recalled during his participation in the BRICS summit in Fortaleza in 2014.
This aerial photo taken on August 8, 2023 shows fishing boats and buildings in Fortaleza, Brazil. (Xinhua Photo)
China has established around 180 sister city partnerships with 17 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, illustrating their still thriving cultural and people-to-people exchanges. In May last year, Fortaleza established a brotherly relationship with Xiamen, a coastal city in Fujian where Xi served as deputy mayor. The sister cities are known as the “BRICS twin cities” because both have hosted BRICS summits.
In recent years, the platforms for cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and Latin America have become more and more diverse, since the China-Latin America Year of Cultural Exchanges and the Latin American and Caribbean Art Season. to the “Bridge of the Future”. Training campus for young leaders in China and Latin America.
“The rich cultures and arts of China and Latin America bloom like splendid flowers in each other's vast territories, pushing mutual learning between Chinese and Latin American civilizations to a new height,” Xi said while attending the closing ceremony of the China-Latin America Forum. Year of American Cultural Exchange in 2016 in Peru.
Sources 2/ https://www.newvision.co.ug/category/world/how-xi-champions-chinas-people-to-people-exch-NV_199415 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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