Pakistan Army has no plans to strike deal with jailed former PM Imran Khan, sources | Imran Khan
Pakistan's military has no plans to enter into negotiations or strike a deal with jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan, senior military sources have told the Guardian, after Khan said he would be ready to dialogue with army leaders from his prison cell.
Khan, who is being held in Pakistan's Adiala prison, is not allowed to meet journalists, but the Guardian was able to submit questions through his legal team.
In his responses, Khan said he had had no personal engagement with the military since his arrest and imprisonment in August last year.
However, he said he would not rule out striking a deal with Pakistan's powerful military, despite previously accusing them of bringing down his government and being behind his incarceration.
Regarding reaching a deal with the army, any engagement would be based on principles and in the interest of the people, and not on personal gains or compromises that undermine Pakistan's democratic values, Khan said to the Guardian.
He added that he would rather live the rest of my life in prison than compromise on my principles.
It is widely believed that Khan, a former superstar cricketer, was helped to power in 2018 with the support of the military, long seen as the kingmaker of Pakistani politics and whose interference has often been an obstacle on the country's difficult path to democracy.
It was after Khan's relations with the army leadership broke down in 2022 that he was ousted from power. Khan then began verbally criticizing the military establishment, accusing it of playing a role in an assassination attempt on his life and orchestrating his arrest.
File photo of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan appearing in court in Islamabad on September 1, 2022. Photograph: Reuters
Khan now faces more than a hundred cases that he says are fabricated by the military and political opponents who form the current coalition government. In June, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ruled that Khan's detention was unlawful.
However, as his stay in prison drags on and the cases against him multiply, the former prime minister's rhetoric towards the current military establishment has taken on a more conciliatory tone. In July, Khan publicly offered to hold conditional talks with the military, if it agreed to hold clean and transparent elections. Khan and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have claimed that elections held in February were undemocratic and tainted by widespread allegations of fraud, and maintain that the PTI actually won the election through the popular vote.
Behind the scenes, senior military officials said that in recent months, Khan had pressed for talks with the military and offered unconditional talks as he sought a deal to secure his release.
However, senior military officials reportedly steadfastly refuse to enter into negotiations with Khan. Khan faces legal proceedings against him and cannot expect any settlement from the army. Khan wants everyone to respect the rule of law, but he doesn't want the rule of law to be for himself, a military source said.
The current government, which is a coalition led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharifs' Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) party, reportedly enjoys the support of the military. Over the past month, they recently pushed through amendments aimed at extending the army chief's term to five years and giving the government greater control over the Supreme Court, which the PTI says serves the military agenda and prevents Khan from being elected. released.
In response to the constitutional amendments and allegedly rigged elections, Khan this week issued a final call for a PTI protest to be held in the capital Islamabad on November 24. The party has faced continued repression since Khan's arrest, with most of the party's leaders in prison or in exile.
The government has not yet confirmed whether it intends to try Khan in a military court, rather than a civilian one, for some of his alleged crimes, ranging from corruption to terrorism. He denies all accusations.
How can a civilian be tried by a military court, let alone a former prime minister? Khan said. It's ridiculous. The only reason to try a civilian before a military court is simply because no other court would convict me. The very idea is alarming.
Concerns have also been raised about the conditions Khan is being held in while incarcerated. Last month, his ex-wife Jemima Goldsmith claimed he was being held in solitary confinement and not allowed to call his sons. The government responded, saying he was being held in a luxurious presidential suite with his own cook.
Khan denied any privileged treatment and said he was held in conditions designed to intimidate, isolate and break my resolve. For 15 days, I was deprived of all human contact, no electricity in my cell and kept in a cell 24 hours a day, without access to exercise or basic freedoms.
He pointed out that the ban on journalists visiting him or freely covering his trials speaks volumes about the transparency or lack of transparency surrounding my situation.
Nonetheless, Khan said he remained confident he would one day get justice and still believed he would have the opportunity to serve as prime minister again if that was the will of the people.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/15/pakistan-military-has-no-intention-of-cutting-deal-with-jailed-former-prime-minister-imran-khan-sources The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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