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Editorial in Urdu daily Roznama Islam: “The international Zionist lobby is following the agenda of targeting defensively stable Muslim countries like Pakistan and Turkey in order to deprive the Muslim Ummah of its defense weapons”

Editorial in Urdu daily Roznama Islam: “The international Zionist lobby is following the agenda of targeting defensively stable Muslim countries like Pakistan and Turkey in order to deprive the Muslim Ummah of its defense weapons”


In a recent editorial, the Pakistani Urdu-language daily Roznama Islam sought to draw parallels between counterterrorism operations carried out by Turkey and Pakistan and claimed that “an international Zionist lobby” is at work to deprive these countries of their military weapons, that is to say nuclear weapons. weapons of Pakistan.

The editorial, titled “Terrorist Incidents in Pakistan and Turkey,” states: “The U.S.-orchestrated game to maintain its dominance has led to the killing of people and economic hardship for nations around the world. Currently, Turkey and Pakistan are under This is the reason why, despite being a member of NATO, Turkey seems to be closer to Russia and China and this is why Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan attended the BRICS summit. [on October 22-24, 2024, in Kazan, Russia]”.

Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan

Here are excerpts from the editorial:

“The aim of terrorists and their supporters is to fuel anarchy in the country on political, religious, ethnic and regional lines and to create chaos so that the State of Pakistan cannot progress towards economic stability “

“Terrorist incidents in Pakistan and Turkey

“Yesterday [October 24]security forces successfully carried out intelligence operation in Bajaur [tribal district of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province]killing nine terrorists affiliated with Fitna Khawarij [a phrase used by Pakistani authorities for Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan]. Among them, two most wanted criminals. These terrorists have been involved in several terrorist incidents in recent days.

“The encouraging aspect is that there is an emerging awareness and trend towards public unity against terrorists and Fitna Khawarij in the tribal areas. Action is being taken at the tribal level against those involved in anti -state or which constitute threats to the lives and property of ordinary people.

“The beloved motherland Pakistan has been facing the demon of terrorism for two decades and no matter the country or society, the complete end to this destructive streak in terms of results has not yet been achieved. that the security agencies and the people of the country remain active against terrorists and agents of Defamation of Khawarij with determination and determination, but these bloodthirsty beasts do not hesitate to destroy the peace and security of people's lives under the veil of religion, nationality, ethnicity and regional or geographical identities.

“According to analysts, the aim of terrorists and their supporters is to fuel anarchy in the country on political, religious, ethnic and regional lines and create chaos so that the state of Pakistan cannot progress towards economic stability and is forced to remain under pressure from certain world powers.

“According to a report received from Türkiye, a sensitive military organization was the target of terrorists, where work continues on modern military technology”

“If you think about it, the situation is the same with the brotherly Muslim country, Turkey. Over the past two days, Turkey has carried out massive military operations against the Kurdish separatist organization, in response to an incident massive terrorist attack in Ankara. The military, without caring about anything, heavily bombed the bases of Kurdish separatists in Syria and Iraq. The defense agencies in Turkey are also currently occupied. [military] operations.

“This action by Turkey demonstrates that no state can tolerate terrorism. If terrorists and anti-state elements have established bases in neighboring countries, states can target them for their defense without any hesitation and give a brutal response to foreign enemies for the sake of internal peace.

“The Constitution and the law-abiding citizens of the country are well aware of the fact that armed movements become a threat to the existence of states and therefore avoid armed movements. The worst results of the revolution started in the name of the Arab Spring can be seen still sees it in Libya, Syria and other Arab states.

A screenshot of the article in Roznama Islam.

“The fact that different political, ethnic and religious parties here aim to break up the country can be interpreted as bad luck or a trial for Pakistan. Regional, linguistic and geographical issues are being raised to incite young people to oppose the State.

“Those who spread negative propaganda against a particular province are actually criticizing the federation and the armed forces of Pakistan, thereby fueling anti-centralization and separatism in the country. Through such negative efforts, positive results cannot be achieved, but on the contrary by spreading negative propaganda against a particular province unrest and chaos could create new problems and unrest for the country and the people.

“According to a report received from Turkey, terrorists have targeted a sensitive military organization where work is continuing on modern military technology. In our beloved country Pakistan, terrorists have made several attempts to target defense organizations and sensitive installations Be it political unrest, separatist movements, anarchy or terrorism, the link of every major crime with anti-Pakistan world powers or their allies.

“There was information on the occasion of the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization [In Islamabad, On October 17, 2024] That the terrorists had intended to target Islamabad but, thanks to hundreds of thanks, the anti-state forces failed; Otherwise, a wave of happiness would have spread from Israel to America. »

“In such a situation, people should not ignore Israel's propaganda against Pakistan and Turkey. According to Turkish media, some analysts are of the opinion that the international Zionist lobby is following the agenda to target Muslim countries defensively stable like Pakistan and Turkey to deprive the Muslim Umma of its defense weapons is supported by subversive groups.

“By the grace of God, many massive offensives carried out by terrorists have recently been foiled thanks to the tireless efforts of the country's defense agencies to dismantle the terrorists. There was information on the occasion of the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. [in Islamabad, on October 17, 2024] that the terrorists had intended to target Islamabad but, despite hundreds of thanks, the anti-state forces failed; otherwise, a wave of happiness would have spread from Israel to America. Basically, the game orchestrated by the United States to maintain its dominance has led to the massacre of people and economic hardship for nations around the world.

Turkish President Erdoan meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the BRICS summit in Kazan, October 2024.

“Currently, Turkey and Pakistan are under fire in this game. This is why, despite being a NATO member, Turkey seems to be closer to Russia and of China and this is why Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan participated in the BRICS summit. [on October 22-24, 2024, in Kazan, Russia].

“Russian President Vladimir Putin, criticizing American domination, said that if the United States continues to use the dollar as a tool of war, [BRICS] will be obliged to present their own currency [as an alternative]. The international situation shows that the world is going through massive change. »

“In such a situation, countries like Pakistan and Turkey must come closer [Together] So that Muslim countries can be united and connected”

“In such a situation, countries like Pakistan and Turkey must come closer [together] so that Muslim countries can be united and connected. In this situation, it would be better for Pakistan's neighboring countries [such as Afghanistan]who, by making Pakistan a battleground for ideological conflicts and to please the United States, Israel as well as India, are reconsidering their approach. Reevaluating their actions would be in everyone's best interest.

“Pakistan has already won a war against terrorism. Its people and the [armed] the forces are united and have the courage to jointly confront any force for the defense of the country. The holder [Pakistani] the government has made good progress. The country's defense is strengthening.

“In such a situation, hostility towards a nation like Pakistan could prove very costly for neighboring countries. It would be better if everyone prioritized peace and security and jointly took advantage of opportunities for economic cooperation and of commercial partnerships arising from mutual coexistence and regional foundations.

Source: DailyIslam.PK (Pakistan), October 25, 2024.




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