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Donald Trump's approval government takes shape

Donald Trump's approval government takes shape


Donald Trump has rushed to recruit loyalists from the fringes of American politics to fill key positions, a succession of personal decisions intended to facilitate the adoption of his program and concentrate his power.

The president-elect's nominations have stunned the political establishment in Washington, sparking outrage among Democrats and bewilderment even among some Republicans on Capitol Hill, which could lead to tense confirmation votes.

But they achieve Trump's goal: to preempt resistance and staff his government with people who will endorse and carry out his radical agenda.

He personally wants to have as much power as possible and fewer checks on him, said Stephen Myrow, managing partner at Beacon Policy Advisors, a consulting firm in Washington.

There are particular positions that he has learned now that he must have complete control over, Myrow added, pointing to the Justice Department, the military and the intelligence community.

In the span of two days, the president-elect named Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the anti-vaccination activist, as health secretary, Tulsi Gabbard, a former pro-Russian Democratic congresswoman, as director of intelligence national, Pete Hegseth, a Fox News host, to be secretary of defense, and Matt Gaetz, a far-right conservative facing a congressional ethics investigation for sexual misconduct, to be attorney general.

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Trump announced Thursday evening that Todd Blanche, the bulldog lawyer who represented him during the secret trial that resulted in the former president's felony conviction, was his choice for deputy attorney general.

He later appointed North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum as Interior secretary, giving one of his most prominent campaign advocates influence over oil and gas drilling licensing .

The common characteristic of these appointees is their dedication to Trump. Many campaigned vigorously for him during the final leg of the election against Vice President Kamala Harris. Many are liked by the former president's current entourage, including Elon Musk, the billionaire investor, and his online followers.

These choices contrast with the cabinet Trump assembled early in his first term, which included outside figures and members of the traditional Republican political establishment whom he ultimately accused of undermining his plans.

His new team also differs from those that other presidents have assembled to deliberately include former opponents or dissident viewpoints.

It won't be a team of rivals, said Chris Krueger, managing director of the TD Cowens Washington Research Group, a consulting firm, referring to historian Doris Kearns Goodwin's book about Abraham Lincoln's cabinet.

This is a team that shares President Trump's vision and can actually implement that vision from day one, Krueger added.

While Trump has chosen some of his most trusted political surrogates to run the cabinet, he is also seeking to appoint political czars to the White House who will be physically closer to the Oval Office and responsible for directing government action. They may well have more influence than cabinet members in implementing his plans.

Trump chose Tom Homan, an immigration hardliner, to be his border czar. Homan and deputy chief of staff Stephen Miller will be responsible for implementing the president-elect's planned crackdown on migrants, including mass deportations.

Trump also plans to appoint an energy czar to roll back regulations and boost fossil fuels.

These high-level White House positions will not require Senate approval, but could come with considerable power to implement Trump's plans.

Cabinet appointments, however, must be approved by the upper house of Congress. Some Republicans in the Senate, where they will have a majority starting in January, have been taken aback by some nominations, even if they seem inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Generally speaking, I vote for confirmation regardless of party or personal feelings, because that is my constitutional role as a senator, Lindsey Graham, a Republican senator from South Carolina and close Trump ally, wrote on X THURSDAY.

I will do the same for President Trump's nominees. The American people spoke loud and clear, and President Trump won decisively. I consider this matter closed, he added.

But there could be some resistance from the small group of moderate and skeptical Republicans, including Susan Collins of Maine.

Myrow said: Trump expects congressional Republicans to completely bend the knee, fully submit, and so this will be a test.

Trump has made conventional choices for his new administration, the kind that might have entered any Republican White House. These include Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who will serve as Secretary of State, Florida Congressman Mike Waltz, National Security Advisor, and Jay Clayton, former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Attorney for the southern district. from New York.

He also remains to decide on the most important economic policy positions, ranging from Treasury Secretary, Commerce Secretary, Director of the National Economic Council and U.S. Trade Representative.

But overall, Trump, who has been the subject of several criminal investigations and two assassination attempts, and who has vowed to make the deep state the primary focus of his presidency, is seeking to push the loyalty before other considerations.

The common thread is loyalty, Krueger said.




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