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Trump's deportation plans would be disruptive in Colorado, where 1 in 10 residents are immigrants

Trump's deportation plans would be disruptive in Colorado, where 1 in 10 residents are immigrants


President-elect Donald Trump's promise to launch a mass deportation of immigrants living illegally in Colorado creates a confrontation in a state with more than half a million immigrants, a state that leans toward inclusion rather than l exclusion and which relies on immigrants for a healthy economy.

In Colorado, 1 in 10 residents is an immigrant of one kind or another: illegal, without authorization to be in the country; with green card status; work with visa permits; brought here as children with the protection of the Dreamers; and naturalized citizens.

Trump: past and future

The Colorado Sun examines how Donald Trump's presidency could affect the issues Colorado residents care about. We based our story choices on our Voter Voices survey and use our past reporting to guide our coverage.


All are now under immigration crackdown, as some in Trump's orbit publicly declare that America is now for Americans only. Trump said millions of immigrants across the country were at risk of deportation and that the immigrant roundups would begin with Operation Aurora, an operation in the Colorado city that Trump falsely claimed was taken by immigrant criminal gangs.

Gov. Jared Polis is taking a tightrope approach to the possibility of federal officers and troops coming to Colorado to round up immigrants.

We always appreciate federal help to make Colorado safer by prosecuting and deporting dangerous criminals. But we will not support the deportation of hard-working Americans and the targeting of innocent children and families, said Eric Maruyama, a Polis spokesman.

Maruyama also spoke about the economic devastation that mass evictions would bring to Colorado. He said Polis called it a recipe for a major recession if agricultural and construction workers were forced out.

Maruyama won't say how Polis plans to respond if Trump sends federal police to carry out a massive immigration operation in Colorado.

Talk of mass deportations has sown fear among the many organizations across the state that work with immigrants.

Clearly, there are no guardrails now, said Kate Leslie, who works with an Afghan resettlement organization that has brought more than a dozen families to the Boulder area and about 2,000 across the state.

Former Republican President Donald Trump arrives for a campaign rally at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, October 11, 2024, in Aurora. (Alex Brandon, AP photo)

Ricardo Perez, director of the Western Colorado Hispanic Affairs Project, said there is a lot of anxiety and feelings of uncertainty caused by Trump's promises.

Perez said his organization is trying to proactively respond to the current immigrant upheaval with the help of local officials and non-immigrant populations who have contacted him to ask how they can help.

Much of his work, he says, involves helping immigrants manage their anger and stress. We will soon need all our energy, he told them. He predicted there would be marches to protest the planned evictions.

For those who choose to fight deportations in court, there will likely be great disarray in Colorado's already busy immigration courts.

The U.S. Department of Justice has 10 immigration judges assigned to two courts in Denver and Aurora, where about 78,000 cases are pending. The average waiting time between filing a file and the asylum hearing is 747 days.

Trump's new border czar, Tom Homan, former acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has not addressed the problem of the clogged immigration court system. But Homan warned all illegal immigrants that they should pack their bags. He said he planned to carry out evictions starting with people considered “threats to public safety” and “threats to national security”, and would use local police to obtain aid, then would rely on the National Guard and finally call on the army.

Colorado has laws that prevent local law enforcement from working with federal immigration agents. The state also allows people living in the United States illegally to obtain a driver's license. Finally, the Democratic-controlled Legislature directed money toward nonprofits that help migrants.

ICE (Provided by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement)

These policies lead some conservatives to refer to Colorado as a “sanctuary state,” a term that has no real definition.

It's unclear how much support the Trump administration will get for its immigration policies from Colorado's Republican members of Congress.

U.S. Rep.-elect Gabe Evans, a Republican from Fort Lupton, told reporters this week that his first priority is to deport people living in the United States illegally and who have committed criminal acts. He is less concerned about immigrants who do not pose major problems.

Until the border is secure, expulsion doesn't do much, said Evans, who will represent the highly competitive 8th Congressional District.

Evans also said he opposed separating the families of immigrants caught trying to enter the United States without authorization.

He also said he plans to focus first on immigration when he arrives in Washington, DC.

The first bill I plan to work on is a bill that will ensure our state and local law enforcement agencies are once again empowered to work with their federal counterparts to remove violent criminals illegally present in our community. our community, he said.

Colorado Sun Staff Writer Jesse Paul contributed to this report.

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