“Only the Constitution of Babasaheb Ambedkar rules this country”: main quotes from PM Modi's victory speech in Maharhstra | News from India
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday hailed the Maharashtra assembly results as a “victory of development” and a “defeat of lies”, as he addressed party workers at the BJP headquarters after the historic victory of the BJP-led party. Mahayuti Alliance.
“It is the victory of development, good governance and social justice in Maharashtra, and it is the defeat of negative politics and dynastic politics,” PM Modi said in his victory speech.
Assembly election results
Terming the Maharashtra poll result as a big boost for his cadres, PM Modi said the opposition “Family” Mahayuti's choice had a negative impact on the opposition and strengthened the people's resolve for a developed India.
Terming the victory of the Mahayuti alliance as the biggest victory in the last 50 years, the Prime Minister extended his wishes to the alliance partners. “I would like to salute Eknath Shinde, my friend Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar (for their victory in Maharashtra polls),” PM Modi said. He also spoke about the fact that the BJP has become the largest party in Maharashtra for the third time and Maharashtra is the sixth state to have given a third consecutive term to the NDA.
“Before this, Haryana, Goa, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh had achieved such a feat. Similarly, the NDA received mandate more than three consecutive times in Bihar. And after 60 years, I am given a chance,” PM Modi said. said.
Besides, the Prime Minister also invoked 'Ek hain, toh safe hain', saying it is India's new 'Maha' mantra. “After Haryana, the most important message of this election is unity,” he said. According to the Prime Minister, this slogan of unity has blunted the caste card of the opposition. “This is a major blow to the thinking of the entire ecosystem of Congress and the INDI alliance.who led a program aimed at dividing society.
PM Modi also launched an attack on the Maha Vikas Aaghadi-led Congress, saying voters chose the party for which the nation is first and not the opposition bloc, which prioritized 'Kursi' . Prime Minister Modi reiterated the BJP's long-standing assertion that Article 370 will not be restored at any cost. “Only Babasaheb Ambedkar's Constitution is acceptable to the people, no power in the world can restore Article 370,” Modi said.
Coming back on his “parasitic” attack on the Congress, the Prime Minister accused the grand old party as well as its alliance of not honoring Balasaheb Thackeray and Veer Savarkar, who belonged to Maharashtra. The Prime Minister also criticized the Congress over the policy of appeasement citing the Waqf Board as an example and said that there was no Waqf law in the Constitution.
Here are the key quotes from PM Modi's victory speech
- The feeling of '
If there is one, it sure is. “taught a lesson to those who push people to fight in the name of caste, religion, language and region. This punished them. Tribals, OBCs, Dalits, all sections of society have voted for the BJP-NDA This is a major blow to the thinking of the entire ecosystem of the Congress and the INDI alliance, which was running an agenda to divide the society. - Voters are on the side of those who put “nation first”, not those who put “kursi first”; 'INDI Alliance' unable to understand country's mood: PM Modi
- Today, negative politics has been defeated. Today, “Parivarvad” has been defeated. Today, Maharashtra congratulated all BJP and NDA workers across the country.
- The whole world respects our culture today because we respect it now. And in the next five years, Maharashtra will move forward with the mantra 'vikas bhi virasat bhi'. The INDI alliance, for its part, has failed to accept reality. The country's voters do not want instability and are on the side of those who support the mantra of “nation first”.
- After Haryana, the most important message of this election is unity. “Ek hain toh safe hain” has become the “maha-mantra” of the country
- I also thank the people of Jharkhand. We will work harder for faster development of Jharkhand
- Results of by-elections in several states were also announced today. Besides, our tally in Lok Sabha also increased today. UP, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan strongly supported the BJP (in the polls). The people of Assam have also restored faith in the BJP and we have received support from the people of Madhya Pradesh as well.
- Development, good governance and social justice have won in Maharashtra. Lies and deception have suffered a crushing defeat
- This time, Maharashtra has broken all records. This is the biggest victory won by any party or alliance pre-poll in Maharashtra in the last 50 years. This is the third consecutive time that Maharashtra has blessed the BJP-led alliance. For the third time, the BJP emerged as the largest party in Maharashtra… The BJP got more seats than the Congress and its allies. Maharashtra is the sixth state in the country to have given three consecutive terms to the BJP.
- It is the victory of development, good governance and social justice in Maharashtra, and it is the defeat of negative politics and dynastic politics.
- Maharashtra became the sixth state in the country to give a mandate to the BJP for the third consecutive time. Before this, Haryana, Goa, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh had achieved such a feat. Similarly, the NDA has received mandate more than three consecutive times in Bihar. And after 60 years I was given a chance
- We all know the contribution of Balsaheb Thackeray to the society. Although the Congress formed an alliance with a faction of its ruling party, they never welcomed Balasaheb Thackeray's policies. That is why I challenged the Congress alliance partners to get the grand old party to praise Balasaheb Thackeray, but they failed to do so. Besides, the Congress has always insulted and abused Veer Savarkar.
- This Maharashtra election has exposed the two faces of INDI-Aghadi… The Congress leadership has been constantly insulting Veer Savarkar across the country. They even mistreated him. To get votes in Maharashtra, these people temporarily stopped misusing it. But not once did they tell the truth about Savarkar's sacrifice, which shows their two faces. Their only motive is to defame Veer Savarkar
- Waqf Board, an example of Congressional appeasement policy, no place for Waqf law in the Constitution
- Congress' urban naxalism has become a challenge for the country, its remote control is happening outside the country
- Cong's 'shahi parivar' spreads the poison of casteism in his greed for power, the party's priority is only the family and not the people of the country
- Congress passed appeasement laws. They didn't even care about the Supreme Court's order. An example of this is the Waqf Board. The people of Delhi will be surprised. The situation was that before leaving the government in 2014, these people had handed over many properties in and around Delhi to the Waqf Board. There is no place for Waqf law in the Constitution given to us by Babasaheb Ambedkar, but Congress did it to increase its vote bank
Sources 2/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/only-babasaheb-ambedkars-constitution-runs-this-country-top-quotes-from-pm-modis-maharhstra-victory-speech/articleshow/115604239.cms The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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