Who is Bushra Bibi, the lonely wife of Imran Khan who is now leading political protests in Pakistan?
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Bushra Bibi, who previously avoided the spotlight, took center stage in her husband Imran Khan's political party during its protest march in Islamabad that led to deadly clashes with security forces.
Bushra Bibi, the third wife of the cricketer-turned-politician, narrowly escaped after her convoy was attacked and later set on fire.
She took a more active role in Mr Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) after being jailed for nine months following a conviction in an illegal marriage and corruption case.
Mr. Khan and his wife were accused of illegally selling gifts worth more than 140 million rupees ($501,000; $3,94,988) in state possession and received during his tenure as Prime Minister from 2018 to 2022.
However, a court overturned the illegal marriage conviction and granted him bail in the corruption case. She was finally released from prison in October while her husband remains incarcerated. Since then, he has fought more than 150 cases that he says were politically motivated.
Who is Bushra Bibi?
Born BushraRiaz Watto, Bushra Bibi changed her name after her marriage to the former Pakistani cricket star in 2018. Her title Bibi in Urdu denotes respect and is used by Muslim women in South Asia.
She is believed to be in her 40s and an influential figure in Pakistan's Sufi circle for her dedication to Sufism, a mystical and ascetic form of Islam that emphasizes the inner, spiritual dimension of religious practice. .
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Bushra Bibi, center, wife of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan, and leaders of Khan's party lead their supporters in a rally demanding Khan's release (AP)
The two married in a secret ceremony months before Mr Khan became prime minister for the first time. It was Mr Khan's third marriage after two divorces.
Mr Khan was previously married to British Jemima Goldsmith and journalist Reham Khan.
Mr Khan calls Bushra Bibi his spiritual leader for his dedication to Sufism. The former first lady is believed to be a follower of 13th-century mystic Fariduddin Masud Ganjshakar, popularly known as Baba Farid. He is revered as a Muslim mystic and Sufi saint whose shrine is located in Pakpattan in Pakistan's Punjab province.
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Pakistani Politics (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Bushra Bibi has remained a figure of interest and intrigue in Pakistan. She belongs to a landowning family from Punjab and details of her early life in the public domain are scant.
She was previously married to Khawar Farid Maneka, a customs officer from a politically influential family in Punjab and has five children from her first marriage.
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A man reads a newspaper reporting the jail sentence handed down to former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Peshawar (EPA)
She rarely appears in the media and follows Mr Khan on his international diplomatic trips, with the exception of his visits to Saudi Arabia, where the couple were filmed in the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
In a rare interview, she told local news network HUM in 2018 that “people came to me to get closer to God and the Prophet.”
“Every moment of Khan sahib’s life is now dedicated to God, the Prophet and the love of Baba Farid,” she said.
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Imran Khan speaks to the media before signing documents to submit bail for his bail in different cases, at a High Court office in Lahore, Pakistan, 2023 (AP)
Bushra Bibi also earlier defended her veiled public appearances. “My veil doesn't mean I'm not modern. I should be judged based on my personality, not my face,” she said.
He is credited with inspiring Mr. Khan to establish the Al-Qadir Trust, a non-governmental organization devoted to spirituality and Islamic teachings, according to PTI members.
However, the trust became embroiled in a court case and the reason for Mr Khan's arrest in May last year, after corruption charges were brought against the couple. Mr Khan promoted the trust at official events and the couple were the sole trustees, according to Justice Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar.
Mr Khan's party spokesman Farrukh Habib told Reuters the couple did not benefit financially from the trust.
Why is she leading protests?
Bushra Bibi was seen in an open-top vehicle with other party stalwarts and raised slogans as thousands marched alongside her to demonstrate and demand the release of her husband still in prison.
She first addressed thousands of supporters from atop a truck near the historic D-Chowk, where they vowed to hold a sit-in until Mr Khan is released.
You all have to promise that until Khan is among us, you will not leave D-Chowk, she said.
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A rally truck used by Bushra Bibi, the wife of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, burns near the red zone after a protest to demand Khan's release (AFP via Getty Images)
With her growing influence within the PTI in the absence of the popular leader, she has become the latest target of Pakistani government ministers, who have avoided mentioning her by name.
Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi told media that the destruction during this week's protests was caused by a woman, adding that the root cause of the unrest was a hidden hand.
Zulfikar Bukhari, a PTI spokesperson and close aide of Mr Khan, said Bushra Bibi, who wanted to lead a private life, was taking a more active role on her husband's instructions.
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Bushra Bibi and Khan at a hearing in 2023 (AFP/Getty)
If she came out and led this protest, it was on the orders of Imran Khan and the people will obviously rally behind her because she is the wife of Imran Khan, Mr. Bukhari said.
He added that his nearly one-year imprisonment earned him the admiration of his supporters, which helped mobilize a large number of protesters.
Highlighting her growing active role in PTI's strategy, she insisted on holding the protest at a central and sensitive location, according to party officials.
Concerns were raised over her fate after the vehicle she was leading the protest in was set on fire. But PTI officials said she was evacuated in time and taken to the PTI's neighboring stronghold in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province after receiving reports that her convoy might be attacked as forces launched a crackdown in midnight to disperse the crowd.
Some analysts said she would likely continue to act as a rallying figure while Mr Khan remained behind bars.
Placing Bibi at the forefront of these protests is a politically savvy move, due to her relationship with Khan. That gives it a level of authenticity that appeals to protesters and will strengthen their commitment to the cause, said Michael Kugelman, director of the Wilson Centers South Asia Institute.
Sources 2/ https://www.the-independent.com/asia/south-asia/bushra-bibi-imran-khan-wife-age-pakistan-protests-b2655149.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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