Xi Jinping explains what common prosperity is
In a new volume in the series “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China,” the president offers data, analysis and guidelines to help his country move toward a state of general well-being, having overcome the extreme poverty and aiming for greater equality.
By Gustavo Ng. In their culture, of ancient continuity, in which what all their ancestors did survives, the Chinese find the source of their unity and their patriotic pride. History was not made by others, but by ours. Culture has a certain sacred quality and books, which concentrate the inscription of Chinese culture in the world, are basic objects. In today's Chinese culture, the thoughts and actions of President Xi Jinping, responsible for 1.4 billion souls, are of decisive importance. The institutes which study his thoughts have multiplied and, naturally, books are published which collect his words. Some make up the Governance of China series, the last volume of which (the fourth) was published last year.
The Communications Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee Institute for the Study of Party History and Literature, and the China International Publications Group have compiled 109 articles, speeches, speeches, conversations and greetings delivered by Xi Jinping between February 2020 and May 2022.
The work is divided into themes: socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the overall direction of the CPC, putting the people first, facing challenges head-on, responding to epidemics and socio-economic development, towards a country modern socialist, the new stage of development. Development, philosophy and dynamics, High-quality development, More reforms and opening-up, People's democracy of a comprehensive process, Socialist rule of law, Advanced socialist culture, Public welfare and social progress, Harmony between humanity and nature, Strong Armed Forces, Development and security, One country, two systems and national reunification, A global community with a shared future, Global governance and multilateralism, High-quality Belt and Road cooperation and party self-reform for there social transformation.
Particularly interesting for the Latin America.
The eradication of extreme poverty
The book presents Xi Jinping's speech at the National Meeting for Balance and Exaltation of the Hard Battle Against Poverty on February 25, 2021, the month in which China officially announced that it had eradicated absolute poverty. Aware that he was putting into words a historic milestone, the CPC general secretary said that poverty is a chronic evil that persistently torments humanity, that China's history is a chronicle of the people's struggle against poverty and that getting out of it has thus become the dream that the Chinese people tirelessly pursue. He recalled that since its establishment, the CPC has never given up its aspiration to end poverty, by establishing land reform and uniting and leading the people to deploy large-scale aid to poor regions for their development in a planned and organized manner. The issue became central under the presidency of Xi Jinping and in 2015, the CPC Central Committee established a six-point strategy: identify beneficiaries, design poverty reduction projects, manage funds, apply specific measures to each family and send paintings to the villages.
The speech emphasizes gratitude to all those who fought for the last poor to abandon their condition. Poverty alleviation cadres worked for others at the expense of their own families, he said, adding: they reached the highest mountains, they traveled the most dangerous roads, they visited the most remote villages and they stayed with the poorest families. He also pointed out that in their efforts to strengthen the CPC and promote poverty eradication, they have surpassed themselves, becoming more combative and more cohesive and significantly increasing their governance capacity at the local level.
He himself, since his accession to the presidency, has carried out more than 50 inspection tours. In this process, he said, I strived to understand the real situation of poverty and spoke face to face with the poor about their lives in every detail.
Over the past eight years, Xi Jinping summarized in 2021, the Central Committee has made poverty eradication the highest priority of the country's governance, and thus, our country has set a Chinese example in alleviating poverty. poverty and has made significant contributions to this goal. cause on a global level.
Finally, they point out that since the implementation of reform and opening-up, China has lifted 770 million poor rural residents out of poverty, according to current national standards, and contributed more than 70% to the reduction of global poverty. during this period, according to the World Bank's international poverty line.
In his book, Xi Jinping also establishes that the complete eradication of poverty is not an end in itself, but represents an essential contribution to the goal of completing the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society in pursuit of 'common prosperity.
Towards common prosperity
The book also features the text Firmly Promoting Common Prosperity, dated August 17, 2021, in which Xi Jinping describes common prosperity as enriching the lives of the masses in both a material and spiritual sense.
He offers this doctrinal phrase: It is not about prosperity for the few, nor about rigid egalitarianism, making clear that prosperity is only acceptable if it is common: We must make the achievement of common prosperity the center of the Party's efforts to seek happiness for all. the Chinese people.
One of the axes of the speech is that common prosperity requires lifting all people out of poverty, as well as proposing to direct social development towards greater leveling. The president recognizes that there are large inequalities both in development and in the distribution of income between rural and urban areas and between regions and announces that by the middle of this century, the differences between individual income and Actual consumption levels will decline. to an appropriate range. The president bluntly urges Chinese leaders to avoid social hierarchical solidification, leaving avenues for upward mobility open, as well as to create a reasonable distribution configuration in which everyone receives a fair share of the pie.
Reaffirming the CPC's commitment to the two non-hesitations (unhesitatingly consolidating and developing the state-owned economy on the one hand, and unhesitatingly stimulating, supporting and guiding the development of non-state-owned economies on the other hand), Xi Jinping sets a course with established guidelines for the evolution of Chinese society: strengthening the balanced, coordinated and inclusive character of development, expansion of the middle-income sector, equitable access to basic public services, greater regulation of high income, supporting patriotism, collectivism and socialism and promoting the improvement of rural areas.
The fourth volume of “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China” has been published in French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Japanese and traditional Chinese. It has more than 700 pages and is illustrated with 45 photographs of Xi Jinping taken since the beginning of 2020.
Sources 2/ https://dangdai.com.ar/2024/11/30/xi-jinping-explica-que-es-la-prosperidad-comun/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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