Imran, Nawaz and Zardari should sit together: Sana – Journal

The PML-N leader affirms that the government is sincere in its dialogue with the PTIA. Sif calls for a new social contract involving all centers of power, including the military and the judiciary. Saad opposes remote controlled democracy and seeks to end apolitical means in politics.
LAHORE: As talks between the government and opposition PTI progress, PML-N stalwarts have proposed a comprehensive dialogue involving all stakeholders to find a solution to the multiple crises prevailing in the country.
Speaking on Saturday at a seminar marking the death anniversary of Khawaja Mohammed Rafique, PML-N leader Rana Sanaullah proposed a new charter of democracy between the PML-N, PPP and PTI , emphasizing the need for politicians to sit down together.
Khawaja Rafique, father of PML-N leader Saad Rafique, was a Pakistan Movement activist.
It is very important for political actors to recognize the mistakes they have made (by associating themselves with the establishment), he said, adding that PML-N President Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the PPP, Asif Ali Zardari, and PTI founder Imran Khan should sit together to overcome crises. the country is facing today. …when the leaders of the three parties come together, the crises that the country has been going through for 70 years will be overcome in 70 days, he said at the event.
The PML-N leader referred to the Charter of Democracy signed between Nawaz Sharif and assassinated PPP leader Benazir Bhutto, saying both leaders had accepted their mistakes to move forward. Today, the PTI says its mandate was stolen and should be returned. But why didn't he tell the truth about the mandate he had in 2018? he said, referring to the 2018 elections.
Rana Sanaullah, however, stressed that the government was sincere in dialogue with the PTI, saying it was the only way forward. The only way forward is for politicians to sit down and solve the problems. Nawaz Sharif has already said that the current national crisis cannot be resolved until everyone sits together, he added.
New social contract
On the other hand, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif, calling for a new social contract, suggested that all centers of power, such as the military, judiciary and bureaucracy, should also participate in negotiations to find a solution to the country's problems.
I suggest that all centers of power participate in the dialogue, because this is not just a problem of politicians. There is the military, the bureaucracy, the politicians, the judiciary, the media and big business; these are the centers of power. They should sit down and find a solution to the country's problems, he suggested.
The defense minister questioned the change of heart of the PTI for agreeing to hold negotiations with the PML-N after constant refusal for about two years. They (PTI) used to say that they (PML-N) had no authority, and we will talk to those (military establishment) who have authority. Why now? What happened in the last 15-20 days that the PTI agreed to talk? Can anyone tell me what the secret is behind this? he asked and added that he favored talks.
The PML-N leader also slammed Imran Khan for his alleged lack of confidence.
Tell me, to whom was Khan loyal throughout his life? Imran uses people. Don’t get used to it when negotiating with the PTI. I warn you, he advised the government commission, but quickly added that he wanted the negotiations to succeed.
Khawaja Asif also complained that he was not consulted by his party for the talks with the PTI. He sarcastically said that National Assembly Speaker Ayaz Sadiq had special ties with the PTI.
He also lambasted the judiciary, saying what judges had done in the name of justice was catastrophic. Those who delivered the verdict against Bhutto, their successors, should apologize. We must create traditions in our politics. Our judicial system also lacks traditions. A Supreme Court judge gets a salary of Rs 1.6 million. If a judge dies, his widow continues to receive a pension, he added.
Remote-controlled democracy
Disgruntled PML-N leader Saad Rafique said Pakistan was caught in three forms of remotely controlled democracy, military control, political party dictatorship and judicial dictatorship which were preventing the country from progressing. If this continues, many of them will lose their relevance. Everyone believes that the country must function according to their will. Everyone was exposed. If these conditions persist, new realities will emerge.
He suggested that several rounds of negotiations might be necessary. Everyone needs to think about how to get the country back on track. No one can eliminate another in politics. The politics of Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif are still alive today. Political battles cannot be fought through apolitical means, he added.
Expressing his frustration, Mr. Rafique said: I was not heard then, and I am not heard today. The political dialogue has started and we support it. These negotiations should be unconditional. We can continue to criticize each other, but the discussions must remain serious. I expect that the talks will be sincere and that a solution can emerge.
He also said that it was not Imran Khan but former army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and former Chief Justice of Pakistan Saqib Nisar who sent him to jail during the PTI government . He placed the blame for the current crises on General Bajwa, ex-CJP Nisar and Imran Khan.
National Assembly Speaker Ayaz Sadiq said the biggest challenges regarding terrorism were in KP and Balochistan.
We all know who supports this terrorism and from where. Billions were spent on the operations of Zarb-i-Azb and Raddul Fasaad. The security forces have made immense sacrifices. What happened in November 2021 that brought terrorism back to KP and Balochistan? he asked.
Published in Dawn, December 29, 2024
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